60 collocations for tooke

dayes we were on land, where we bought Ryce, Hens, Sugar-canes, Citrons and Lemons in great aboundance, and other kinde of fruites to vs vnknowne, also good fish, and greene Ginger: There we tooke a Fish, which thirteen men could hardly pull into our shippe, and because the Island was little, and we had many men, wee entred into the Bay of the firme land with our Pinnace, where for a string of Beades of small value we had a tunne of Ryce:

Thou wretched, rash, intruding foole farewell, I tooke thee for thy Betters, take thy Fortune,

I never tooke a pleasure yet to lie With Ladies fames, or ever thought that sport Lay in the tongue.

This is the hand First toucht the Gates, this foote first tooke the City; This Christian Church-man snacht I from the Altar And fir'd the Temple.

The 27 of October we passed by Zante with a merrie winde, the 29 by Corfu, and the third of Nouember we arriued at Istria, and there we left our great ship, and tooke small boates to bring vs to Venice.

I perceive you tooke the woodden waggen for a ship and the violent rayne for the sea, and by cause some one of the wheels broake and you cast into some water plashe, you thought the shipp had splitt and you had bene in danger of drowneinge.

The people may forsake me without blame, I did them wrong to make you rich and great, I tooke their houses to bestow on you;

Afterward, I tooke my iourney to Alepo, and there I acquainted my selfe with marchants of Armenia, and Moores, that were marchants, and consorted to go with them to Ormus, and wee departed from Alepo, and in two dayes iourney and a halfe, we came to a city called Bir.

These brethren were three captaines belonging to the father of the king they kept in prison, which when he died, left his sonne very yong, and then they tooke the gouernment to themselues.

But when he saw me stung and cry, He tooke his wings and away did fly.

And while we stood there, he tooke a cymball or bell, and rang therewith, as they vse to ring to dinner or beuoir in cloisters, at the sound whereof many creatures of diuers kinds came downe from the mount, some like apes, some like cats, some like monkeys and some hauing faces like men.

The Turkes the yeere before the ouerthrowe giuen them at Lepanto by Don Iohn tooke Cyprus.

By this illuminate welkin I have (since I tooke upon me this fleshie desire of a Gentleman) throwne out of a window, for a hunts-up, when I had as leef have heard the grinding of a Mustard-Mill; for those are thinges are heere too day, and gone to morrowe; this will sticke by a man, and doe him credit where ere hee goes.

I'l have them instantly tooke downe.

Why, this is base and silly, not] He tooke my Father grossely, full of bread,

Shee seem'd still backe unto the land to looke, And her play-fellowes aide to call, and feare The dashing of the waves, that up she tooke Her daintie feete, and garments gathered neare: But Lord!

Where were my eies, My understanding, when I tooke unto me A fellow of thy falce hart for a frend?

Thy Fury was composed; Rapture no fit That hung on thee; nor thou far gone in witt As men in a disease; thy Phansie cleare, Muse chast, as those frames whence they tooke their fire; No spurious composures amongst thine Got in adultery 'twixt Witt and Wine.

But the same Ostracisme benighted one, To whom all these were but illusion; It tooke our FLETCHER hence, Fletcher, whose wit Was not an accident to th' soule, but It; Onely diffused.

Of which whenas they feasted had their fill, For a full complement of all their ill, They stole away, and tooke their hastie flight, Carried in clowdes of all-concealing night.

[Sidenote: I prescripts] That she should locke her selfe from his Resort, [Sidenote: from her] [Sidenote: 42, 43, 70] Admit no Messengers, receiue no Tokens: Which done, she tooke the Fruites of my Aduice, And he repulsed.

Returning to my voyage, when we were together in Ancola, one of my companions that had nothing to lose, tooke a guide, and went to Goa, whither they goe in foure dayes, the other Portugall not being disposed to go, tarried in Ancola for that Winter.

Whereupon our ambassador returning home, tooke his horse, accompanied with his men, and came to the Vizirs court, where, according to the grand Signiors command, he with all shew of kindnesse embraced the ambassador, and with curteous speeches reconciled himselfe, and with his own hands put the gowne of cloth of gold vpon his backe.

Oh I am nought but ayre: Had I the vigour of my former strength When thou beheldst me fight at Cressy feild, Wher hand to hand I tooke King John of France

In this mountaine is a great den whither the pilgrims resort to make their prayers, and there is a great stone naturally separated in the midst; and they say, that Ismael, while his father Abraham was busie about the sacrifice, tooke the knife in hand to prooue how it would cut, and making triall diuided the stone in two parts.

60 collocations for  tooke