6 collocations for toucheth

For thus saith Jehovah of hosts to the nations which plundered you: He that toucheth you toucheth the apple of mine eye.

Alexandria hath three portes, one towardes Rossetto, another to the land ward, and the third to the sea ward, which is called Babelbar, without which appeareth a broad Iland called Ghesira in the Moores tongue, which is not wholy an Iland, because a litle point or corner thereof toucheth the firme lande, and therefore may be called Peninsula, that is to say, almost an Iland.

But hereupon the lank fellow cried out, bold and querulous: "Take ye heed, for whoso dareth lay hand on me, toucheth the person of Duke Ivo's puissant self!"

" "And if the Angel cometh through the walls of stone and brass And if he toucheth Egypt's son, to seal his gentle breath, Then will we know that God is God, He who hath right to pass Our little doors, for He Himself is Lord of Life and Death.

"Nay, but the Republic will first remember the duty owed to our prince, since it is a matter that toucheth the State," he answered, uncompromisingly, "and for our duty to the Churchleave that to our frate, than whom none is more devout.

Going to the mountain Sree, one who toucheth the waters of the stream that is there by worshipping there the god having the bull for his mark obtaineth the merit of the horse-sacrifice.

6 collocations for  toucheth