6 collocations for tranquilized

Perhaps our one hundred and seventeen representatives will then abandon in despair their present dangerous and unconstitutional expedient for tranquilizing the public mind.

Calumny, falsehood, and popular violence, have been employed in vain, to tranquilize abolitionists.

I expressed my opinion freely concerning the original causes of those dangers, and recommended such measures as I believed would have the effect of tranquilizing the country and saving it from the peril in which it had been needlessly and most unfortunately involved.

A smile, which warmed and tranquilized every heart, flitted over the lipsand yet all knew that those lips needed but to whistle et

The suggestions that what grave parliaments, learned judges, and all classes of "respectability" sanctioned, could not be wrong, much less murderous or cruel, silenced the "still, small" tones, and tranquilized the startled jurors.

To relieve his embarrassment, and tranquilize his temper, I suggested that they were not beyond reach.

6 collocations for  tranquilized