6 collocations for trench

A correspondent of a French work on gardening thinks that green turf may be obtained in France by trenching the ground, freeing it from stones, covering the surface with two or three inches of rich compost, and then laying on the turf.

The first-line Turkish trenches were too close to their own to be bombarded from the ships, so that that preliminary advantage was cut off; the second-line defenses, in the twisting gullies over the hill, could stand bombardment about as well as could trenches anywhereand behind them was the water.

They cut zig-zag trenches up the hillside, and finally stormed and took a Russian trench close under the guns of the fort.

They camped at night on mounds, where they had to trench round each hut and use the earth to raise their sleeping places.

The wagon mired and cannon dragged Have trenched their scar; the plain Tramped like the cindery beach of the damned A site for the city of Cain.

Three-quarters of an hour afterwards the 163rd Infantry Brigade tried to get the support trenches several hundred yards in rear, but the difficulties were too many and the effort failed.

6 collocations for  trench