17 collocations for trolling

As thus he walked down a shady lane he saw a tinker coming, trolling a merry song as he drew nigh.

" Then, singing first with a voice deep and gruff, and anon in one high and squeaking, he blithely trolled the merry catch of THE LOVING YOUTH AND THE SCORNFUL MAID HE "Ah, it's wilt thou come with me, my love?

His golden age is rather amorous than philosophical; he is more concerned that love should be free and true than that the earth should yield her fruits unwounded of the plough; and even so he hastens away from that colourless age to troll the delightful ballad of Dowsabel.

Your very costermonger trolls out his belief that "there's a good time coming," and the hearts of gamins, as well as millenarians, answer, "True!" Is not that a clashing among the dry bones?

The parc was the occasional assembling-place for the drifting whites made thoughtful by trolling the jolly, brown bowl, and by those to whom lack of francs denied the trolling.

Popof gives the signal for departure as Caterna trolls out the chorus of victory of the admiral's sailors in Haydee.

There was Harry Wakefield, who amidst a grinning group of smockfrocks, hob-nailed shoes, and jolly English physiognomies, was trolling forth an old ditty, when he was interrupted by a high and stern voice, saying "Harry Waakfeltif you be a man, stand up!"

Children troll their hoops along the avenues or skip the rope under the clipped lindens, whose boughs are now tinged a pale yellow by the bursting buds.

As he went he trolled an ancient lay of love, and youth was in his step.

Smith had trolled scarcely a quarter of a mile, when his hook was struck by a trout, and then commenced a struggle that was pleasant to witness.

As we went on, one poor fellow was trolling a snatch of song, as he hammered away at the stones.

There she heard a man's voice trolling a stave somewhere in the direction of the laboratory.

Oft trolling some merry stave or turning with some quip or jape upon his tongue, but with eyes quick to mark the rhythmic swing of broad, mail-clad shoulders, eyes critical, yet eyes of pride.

They made him troll up the stream for miles; then, just as he thought his chase was at an end and he was sure of them, they would leap quite out of the water, and dart down the stream again like little silver arrows.

Now touch us a stronger chord my men, and put life into your cadences, while I troll a sea air for the honour of the ship.

Gerôme was in great request on these occasions, and, under the influence of some fiery raki, of which he seemed to have an unlimited stock, would have trolled out "Matoushka Volga" and

The boat continued on until it reached the channel between islands No. 87 and No. 88, and there Mr. P. got out his lines and commenced to fish, trolling his bait behind as the boat slowly sailed, under the hot sun, among those lovely isles, where, to be sure, burning's half o' the sport, but where "burning SAPPHO" would have lost herself utterly, and probably have tumbled into some of the watery intricacies and have put herself out.

17 collocations for  trolling