839 collocations for trusts

The life made me hard and watchful, trusting no man, and brusque and stiff towards the world.

She was trusting God to take care of her as He had taken care of Daniel in the lions' den.

What happy Man cou'd claim a title in thee, And trust thee to such danger? Isa.

She spoke mechanically, still hardly able to trust her voice above a whisper.

Ha!" cried he, when they had come still nearer, "can I trust mine eyes?

If a child is deceived through instinctively trusting the word of its parents, the blame of its error rests with them, not with it.

I'll trust my Life, my Honour and my Mistress in so good hands at any time.

"You must not trust my judgment.

" She spoke in a tone which invited confidence, but Rolfe was not prepared to go to the length of trusting the young woman he saw before him, despite her assurance that she was in the confidence of Mrs. Holymead.

"Do you trust those wild people?"

'I believe this, sirand your cousin will believe the same, if he will only give up, as I am sore afraid he will need to some day, sticking to arguments and doctrines about the Lord, and love and trust the Lord himself.

Would you give up trusting a friend right away if he did not act the way you expected him to?" "No, no," Salo said quickly, "such a friend could not trust me any more either.

The blind, of course, have that sense in a high degree of sensitiveness, but even those who are not blind may learn to trust the peculiar and inverted sense of direction.

I would trust you withmy heart, if need were.

We are told that God "tempted," or tested, the obedient faith of Abraham, by suggesting to him that it was his duty to sacrifice that only son as a burnt-offering, to prove how utterly he trusted the Lord's promise; for if Isaac were cut off, where was another legitimate heir to be found?

You have been cozened, Signore, in a state, whose very prince dare not trust his secrets to his wife.

"You were quite right in not trusting your child to that horrid woman!" she began.

She sank down upon the floor at the foot of that old toy, which had pleased her in the softness of her old age, to which she had trusted the fortunes of another; by which, in wantonness and folly she had sinned, she had sinned!

Well, she was only a little child,she could trust her Father.

This was the place where the Indian had made his first observations of the invaders of the valley, ascertaining their real character before he trusted his person among them.

As with the Jews, so with the nations of Europe; whenever they have trusted in themselves, their own power and wisdom, they have ended in weakness and folly.

Even in the master's sleep he found something to be dreaded, and Donnegan knew that he could now trust the fellow through anything.

A man should be a gentleman in his hymns and prayers; the fondness for "scenes," among vulgar saints, contrasts so meanly with that "God only and good angels look Behind the blissful scene," and that other, "He could not trust his melting soul But in his Maker's sight," that I hope some of them will see this, and read the poem, and profit by it.

His translations are generally commonplace, and from the marks on his books he must have often failed to trust his memory for the meanings of the most ordinary Greek words.

There came to him then a thought that was very disagreeable to him, namely, that he dare not trust his wife alone with any bird or she would kill it.

839 collocations for  trusts