15 collocations for unchain

He descended to the pantry and salvaged a piece of pie, then unchained the front door and stepped forth into the soft October night.

They unchain the beast within.

Thus crammed together like herrings in a barrel, they contracted putrid and fatal disorders; so that they who came to inspect, them in a morning had occasionally to pick dead slaves out of their rows, and to unchain their carcases from the bodies of their wretched fellow-sufferers, to whom they had been fastened.

Thus crammed together like herrings in a barrel, they contracted putrid and fatal disorders; so that they who came to inspect them in a morning had occasionally to pick dead slaves out of their rows, and to unchain their carcasses from the bodies of their wretched fellow-sufferers, to whom they had been fastened.

It is as though by the pressure of an electric button some giant sluice had been opened, unchaining forces over which mortal men can hardly hope to recover control and whose action it is wellnigh impossible to foresee.

The Balkan plains are still steaming with the blood of thousands of murdered; the ruins of desolate towns and devastated villages are still smoking after the Balkan War; hungry, workless men, widowed women and orphan children are still wandering through the land, and yet again Austria's Imperialism unchains the War Fury to bring death and destruction over all Europe.

Hareton Earnshaw unchained the gate for me.

While the women, in answer to this signal, were coming from all directions, carrying buckets in their hands, or copper water-pots on their heads, he unchained the pump-handle.

Though they rob me of Guy Park and every acre, I shall redeem my lands in a manner no man can ever forget!" "Gentlemen," added Colonel Claus, in his bluff way, "you all make great merit of risking property and life in this wretched teapot tempest; you all take credit for unchaining the Mohawks.

" Should we seek for the cause of David's fall, for that easy descent in the path of rectitude,may we not find it in that fatal custom of Eastern kings to have more wives than was divinely instituted in the Garden of Eden,an indulgence which weakened the moral sense and unchained the passions?

How long shall Sloth usurp thy useless hours, Unnerve thy vigour, and unchain thy powers?

In that way it unchained the soul of Polycarp.

But cease to trouble us, and come and live with me; we have a very pleasant life, living upon the fruits of the earth; and in the winter, instead of being obliged to hunt and travel through the deep snow, we sleep soundly until the sun unchains the streams, and makes the tender buds put forth for our subsistence.

The sight of him unchains the House's fury afresh.

One, that Austria was prepared, by attacking Serbia, to unchain a European war; the other, that the Italian ministers joined with Germany to dissuade her.

15 collocations for  unchain