4 collocations for undergoe

And I with Bellizarius am resolv'd To undergoe the worst of all afflictions, Where such a glory bids us to performe.

how hath Fraunce Sowed such inveterate hate within your brest That to confound him you will undergoe The orphans curse, the widdowes teares and cries Whose husbands in these warres have lost their lives?

And now, to give a period to my speeche I doe intreate your grace, if that your love Be not growne colde, but that your heart desires The true societie of a chaste wife, Be pleas'd to undergoe a further doome.

Faith, I like not this ods of female, an equallitie were better: yet of both twere fitter the woman should undergoe the oddes.

4 collocations for  undergoe