6 collocations for uneasy

414-5; iii. 86; uneasy with him, i. 426; a timid boy in his presence, ii. 382, n. 1; iii. 93, n. 1; on better terms with him, iii. 93, 95, 108, 212, 368, 442; dulls his faculties by strong beer before him, ii. 382, n. 1; Johnson, reproached by him as regards, ii. 381,72.

They have succeeded in making uneasy the class immediately above them, which is the English working class, as yet undebauched by the temptation of State-aided idleness or State-guaranteed irresponsibility.

From the moment he saw her he was conscious that she was different; insensibly the exquisitely volatile charm of her enveloped him, and he betrayed it, awaking her, first, to uneasy self-consciousness; then uneasy consciousness of him; then, imperceptibly, through distrust, alarm, and a thousand inexplicable psychological emotions, to a wistful interest that faintly responded to his.

These semi-fortifications were erected by Bishop Ralph, who perhaps found that a mitre was as uneasy a headgear as a crown.

It reminded me of Henry the Fourth's fine soliloquy on sleep; for there was here as uneasy a pallet as the poet's imagination could possibly conceive.

* * * Good Sir, 'You and I were press'd against each other last Winter in a Crowd, in which uneasy Posture we suffer'd together for almost Half an Hour.

6 collocations for  uneasy