12 collocations for unloosened

He unloosened the bonds of five.

So while the first negro continued to hold the lance firm to the ground, and the other was helping me, I contrived to unloosen my braces, and with them tied the snake's mouth.

Miss Dalrymple is the only surviving daughter of Charles Dalrymple of San Francisco, who made his fortune with Martin Ferguson of the same place, at the time" The paper fell from Mr. Heatherbloom's hand; for several moments he sat motionless; then he got up, unloosened his charges and moved on.

" With hands trembling with delight, Squeers unloosened the cord; and Smike, more dead than alive, was brought into the house and securely locked up in a cellar.

Mr. Heatherbloom unloosened from a brass holder a silk cord as thick as his thumb.

Is it not marvellous how full people areall peopleof humour, tragedy, passionate human longings, hopes, fearsif only you can unloosen the floodgates!

Satisfied that the dark object was a reality and not an unwonted visitation, the lookout began deliberately to unloosen a gasket.

To unloosen her hair from the comb, and to lay the secret of Bob Willoughby by its side, in a way to compare the glossy shades, was the act of only a moment; it sufficed, however, to bring a perfect conviction of the truth.

This, however, requires the exertion of much taste and discrimination; for if we are once seriously and deeply interested in the distress of the play, the intervention of anything like buffoonery may unloosen the hold which the author has gained on the feelings of the audience.

It was the new being that had unloosened itself, as yet a mere morsel of flesh taken from her flesh her heart which had just been torn away from her.

Nettuno had been placed in a convenient attitude for his master to unloosen the belt, and, as it was the intention of the latter to replace it, the animal still lay quietly in the same position, a circumstance which displaced his shaggy coat, and allowed the châtelain to detect the object to which he had just alluded.

[Illustration: Cardinal Fleury110] The Bishop of Frejus had nursed his power more skilfully; he kept the list of benefices, and he alone, it was said, knew how to unloosen the king's tongue; but he had not calculated upon the pernicious and all-powerful influence of the Marchioness of Prie, favorite "by appointment" (attitree) to the duke.

12 collocations for  unloosened