24 collocations for unquestioning

Was it not through fear that the colonel himself had reduced her to such abject, unquestioning obedience?

' She looked up at him with eyes which told of infinite faith, child-like, unquestioning faith.

The perils she was called upon to meet were incurred through her unquestioning love of him.

How dear to him had been that unquestioning devotion, that tender, innocent humility!how dear, and how dangerous!

" Here is what I should call the militarist view in all its simplicity and purity, the obstinate, unquestioning belief that war is inevitable, and the determination to be ready for it at all costs, even at the cost of rejecting machinery which if adopted might obviate war.

It turns on you with the mute unquestioning confidence of real affection, and you may depend on it under all pressure of circumstance, in the last extremity of danger or death.

Lizzy's so full of placid content, unquestioning affection, and acceptance; Mercy's so full of mysterious earnestness, far-seeing vision, and interpretation.

It closes with a generous expression of unquestioning friendship that asks for no return: Quare illud satis est si te permittis

After years of unquestioning humility I enjoyed a prolonged debauch of intellectual pride, and I marvelled at the little boy of yesterday who had wept because he could not be an imbecile.

She had lived with him in a mood of placid and unquestioning good-humour, and she had greatly missed him when he died.

Oh, the sweet, unquestioning infancy which takes its food from the nearest breast; which knows but three things,hunger and food and sleep!

She knew with unquestioning intuition that for the future he would keep strictly within the bounds of friendship unless he had her permission to pass beyond them.

There were the petty tradesmen who in former years had prospered through George Henry's patronage, whose large bills had been paid with unquestioning promptness until came the slip of his cog in the money-distributing machine.

An image regarded not with any tenderness, but with naïve admiration, and unquestioning respect!

Under the Canon Law, woman is man's obedient and unquestioning subject; marriage is a benevolent despotism.

I assure the United States of the allegiance and unquestioning support of our people, and petition that we be granted one or more representatives on the commission that is to decide the future of our Islands."

The pathos of Griselda's unquestioning self-abnegation is her portion; she is the extreme expression of the docile quality that Kleist sought in his betrothed.

He is assiduous in visiting, in holding classes, in teaching; he has no sense of humour whatever; and the system of religion which he administers is so perfectly obvious and unquestioned a thing to him, that it never occurs to him to wonder if other people are not built on different lines.

And in spite of her unquestioning acceptance of him as her father, he remained to Sofia actually a new acquaintance; in effect, a strange man.

All Ross's male instinct for unquestioning approval from the female was astir.

The Pope was, I am persuaded, quite indifferent to it, for, devout and unquestioning believer in his own divine authority as he was, he was not a bigot, and not of a persecuting disposition, but he was only a part of an immense and intricate machine, over the movements of which neither he nor any other Pope could have much control.

We made him no pledges and extracted from him but two, viz., to obey unquestioning the commander of the United States forces in the Philippine Islands, and to conduct his warfare on civilized lines.

The prompt, unquestioning compliance with the request of Fred Whitney showed that Monteith Sterry understood the reason that it was made of him.

The little girl in the brown and blue plaid dress with red stockings and buttoned boots, bent forward as she sat half concealed behind the stove and drank in every word with intent, wondering, unquestioning eyes.

24 collocations for  unquestioning