38 collocations for vetoed

The Chorus Girls' Union, of which I am now a member, gave a ball in commemoration of the event of the Mayor vetoing Tim Sullivan's bill about women smoking in public.

But no British king or queen has vetoed an act of Parliament in the last hundred and eighty years.

The king vetoed the law.

But Doctor Holiday had vetoed decidedly both these pleasant and impractical propositions.

In thirteen of the states the governor can veto particular items in a bill for the appropriation of public money, while at the same time he approves the rest of the bill.

Austria-Hungary, who had only remained inactive because she had taken a Turkish victory for granted, now intervened, and by the creation of an artificial Albanian State vetoed Serbia's expansion to the Adriatic.

Mr. Irving, in his easy-chair in the sitting-room, after dinner, was quite content to have me range at large in the library and to let me discard all the "lumber" as I pleased; so I turned out some hundred volumes of un-classic superfluity, and then called him in from his nap to approve or veto my proceedings.

There was great rejoicing over the event and no one supposed for a moment that the president would veto the measure.

This time, however, it was Mr. Millbank himself who vetoed the courtship.

Suicide would be preferable to that; but it seemed almost as if the gods themselves had vetoed self-destruction by providing that roisterer's corpse at the critical moment and putting the plan for its use into Galen's wise old head.

That is, it vetoed self-discipline.

"No," vetoed Dolan, "it can't be done.

Meanwhile a conference had met again in Paris at the instance of Turkey and vetoed the election of a foreign prince.

The mayor is usually not a member of the city council, but can veto its enactments, which however can be passed over his veto by a two thirds majority.

There were numerous offers of the services of seconds, but the self-constituted master of ceremonies, Jake, vetoed all formalities. 'Let them dae battle in their ain fashion,' said he.

A Council of Germans, with a proportion of nominated British lords and squires, would legislate for each province, and perhaps, after a century or so, as a great concession a small franchise might be granted, with special advantages to Presbyterians, so as to keep religious differences alive, the German Governor-General retaining the right to reject any candidate and to veto all legislation.

In support of this view I find an independent witness stating that 'there is no Turk of standing who will not readily declare that it would have been perfectly possible for Germany to have vetoed the massacres had she chosen.' Germany had indeed already given assurances that such massacres should not occur.

But Mrs. Kelcey had promptly vetoed this notion.

The tribunes of the people ultimately could prevent a consul from convening the senate, could seize a consul and imprison him, and could veto an ordinance of the senate itself.

In some states the Governor may veto parts or items of an act and approve the rest.

Mrs. Marshall-Smith, endowed with a figure which showed as yet no need for exercise, and having passed youth's restless liking for it, had vetoed the plan as far as she went, and entering her waiting ear, had been borne smoothly off, an opulent Juno without her peacocks.

As it was he who had vetoed the proposed postponement of the rising, one can understand that the sense of responsibility lay heavy upon him; but that, without inquiry into the alleged disaster, without the smallest attempt to retrieve it, he should have left his comrades in the lurch and taken the easiest way of escape, is surely a proof of almost criminal instability.

On the 10th of February the Proctors announced to the Board their intention to veto the third proposal.

"I suppose my wife will be in bed and sulk all day because I vetoed the Graydown Races.

The Mayor, who is a personal friend of mine, you see has vetoed the resolutions, not from a disapproval of their character, but because he did not like the locality proposed.

38 collocations for  vetoed