12 collocations for volumes

Flinders volume 1 page 63.) (**Footnote.

Flinders volume 1 page 63.) (**Footnote.


The View (volume 1 plate) represents in the distance Mount Cockburn, at the head of Cambridge Gulf; the flat rocky top of which was supposed to consist of sandstone, but has also the aspect of the trap-formation.

C'est l'aspect légendaire qui prévaut dans ce volume et qui en colore les poèmes.

and volume 2 page 9 et seq.)


Handled by an alchemist of genius, it contained in its slender volume the strength of the novel whose analytic developments and descriptive redundancies it suppressed.

ND ALEXANDER SEVERUS: AND NOW PRESENTED IN ENGLISH FORM BY HERBERT BALDWIN FOSTER, A.B. (Harvard), Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins), Acting Professor of Greek in Lehigh University THIRD VOLUME Extant Books 45-51 (B.C. 44-29).

Far off, beneath the dark defile or gloom Of ancient foreststill behold, in light, Foaming and flashing, with enormous sweep, Through the rent rockswhere, o'er the mist of spray, The rainbow, like a fairy in her bow'r, Is sleeping while it roarsthat volume vast, White, and with thunder's deaf'ning roar, comes down.

It is to be found in the Appendix to volume 131 U.S. Reports, page CCXXXV.

Annals of Natural History second series volume 7 page 81 plate 9 figure 14) is found in Torres Strait, but which does not occur in the Rattlesnake collection.

12 collocations for  volumes