11 collocations for vor

And that wur vor a notable theng; He mead his braags avoore he died, Wi' any dree brothers his zons zshou'd zeng.

"What vor?" "Seven sausingers, dree and sixpence; twenty-vour slices o' bread an' butter, two shillin's; an' a bottle of shampane, seven and sixpence;kums to thirteen shillin's," she sed.

The pleat o' bread an' butter didn't hold out vor the sausingers, so I hed another pleat

"'Twude be a grand marriage vor the likes o' yu, Miss Zairy, vor the Crewys du be the yoldest vambly in all Devonsheer, as I've yeard tell; and yure volk bain't never comed year at arl befar yure grandvather's time.

Sur, cham come once again vor money.

" "Hand awver the pleat, young 'ooman," I sed, "an' I'll trubble you vor the mustard, an' salt, an' that pleat o' bread an' butter, an' I'll set down an' hev a bit of a snack.

Drat thay sausingers as mead I too late vor the train!

"Why should I go to Cumberland?" "Whoy, I can't tell thee whoy thou shouldst go," said the old man; "but thou was zent me from there, and there thou moost go back again, vor a bad bargain thou hast been to me.

Twas a vine scandal vor the volk, zo 'twere; but I wuden't niver give in tu leaving Youlestone.

Alles in uns schweige Und sich innig vor ihm beuge; Wer ihn kennt, wer ihn nennt, Schlagt die Augen nieder, Kommt, ergebt euch wieder.

"Tis a nice way vor a man tu be tuke, wi'out a thing the matter wi' un, vor the doctor tu lay yold on.

11 collocations for  vor