57 collocations for wagering

My father, being unaccustomed to the ways of such rough people, acted very cautiously; and as they were all very anxious to bet on their own horse, he could not be induced to wager a very large sum on Little Gray, as he was afraid of foul play.

It might be that the big fellow had regained his nerve and was stealing up for a second attempt; but Donnegan would have wagered his soul that George Washington Green had his first and last lesson and that he would rather play with bare lightning than ever again cross his new master.

"I'd have wagered my last dollar he wouldn't do that for any voice on earth.

Each man was filled with enthusiasm and each was ready to wager his next year's pay on the outcome of each event.

Mr. Smithson had promised Lady Kirkbank, sportively as it were, and upon the impulse of the moment, as he would have offered to wager a dozen of gloves, that were he so happy as to win her protégée's hand he would find her an investment for, say, a thousand, which would bring her in twenty per cent.; nay, more, he would also find the thousand, which would have been the initial difficulty on poor Georgie's part.

The very night before he went away, In my own house I put into his hand A bible, and I'd wager house and field 295 That, if he be alive, he has it yet.

I'll wager the coffee-pot was even with you, if I may judge by the presentment that it offers of my own countenance.

I don't bet, but I'll wager you a box of cigars to nothing that Holymead gets Birchill off.

But the townies won't wager any money on us this year, eh?" "The Annapolis people have put up some, but not much," replied Waite.

" Then the merry King laughed again, for he dearly loved goodly jest; so he said, amidst his laughter, "I will wager thee ten tuns of Rhenish wine, ten tuns of the stoutest ale, and tenscore bows of tempered Spanish yew, with quivers and arrows to match.

I wager a hat, they'll leave in the first steamer for Naples.

I suppose there are flowers on those velvety lawns; and the interior, I'll wager my life, matches the exterior.

Those should expect rubbers who play at bowls; if people pull their own chestnuts out of the fire they must compound for burnt fingers; and when you wager a living, loving, trustful heart against an organ of wax, gutta-percha, or Aberdeen granite, don't be surprised if you get the worst of the game all through.

Why, I'd wager the ice on Grisdale Tarn is thick enough for skating.

Duke; we'll wager a kilderkin of chaney oranges at four pence each and a dozen cordial juleps with pearls that thy conscience is about to bewray thee.

Yudhisthira stupidly agrees and wagering first his kingdom, then his brothers and finally his wife, loses all and goes again into exile.

I would wager not a little that by searching in the retired quarters, some might be found who believe they are still governed by Napoleon III., and have never heard of the war with Prussia, except as a not improbable eventuality.

The detective found two bet markers who remembered distinctly that, on several occasions, a handsome woman, answering to the description of Mrs. Wilmott, had wagered five or ten louis on Martinez and had shown a decided admiration for his remarkable skill with the cue.

" "Now," said the Bishop, "I would wager my mitre and ring that his life was prolonged by the daily ministrations of yonder fowl that he caresses with such singular affection?"

I'll wager ye a pennypiece, that my monkey, Nosey is at the bottom of the business.

I'll wager the Washington people even haven't a copy of it.

Those should expect rubbers who play at bowls; if people pull their own chestnuts out of the fire they must compound for burnt fingers; and when you wager a living, loving, trustful heart against an organ of wax, gutta-percha, or Aberdeen granite, don't be surprised if you get the worst of the game all through.

I could have wagered Uncle's best picture that Billy was tearing up gravel outside.

I 'd be willing to wager my best piece of jade his contemplations are something like a cycle from Nirvana, and closer far to a pair of heavily fringed eyes.

[Variant 35: 1836. ... and I'd wager twenty pounds, That, if he is alive, ... 1800. ...

57 collocations for  wagering