577 collocations for waiting

I waited some odd moments; then leant out of the window and felt the pipe.

Hid in the dam of the beaver, waiting the spring-time.

Having waited a minute, or so, to steady myself, I proceeded along the way, Pepper following, quietly.

One had a feeling that one ought to see as much as possible, and there were some beautiful things, but it was most fatiguing struggling through the crowd, and we invariably lost the carriage and found ourselves at the wrong entrance, and had to wait hours for a cab.

The room contained seven other beds besides their own, two of which were as yet still vacant, waiting the arrival of boys who had not turned up on the first day.

The enemy trenches on San Marco lay out of view behind the crest, and our registration point, a white house on the top of the ridge, was almost completely blown away by a big French shell while we were watching, and waiting our turn to fire.

While waiting his return, she wrote a letter to be handed to Jones.

The Emperor, the Ministers, the police, and the bureaucrats knew this, yet they were powerlessthey knew that the mysterious professor who had disappeared from Moscow fifteen years before and had never since been seen was only waiting his opportunity to strike a blow that would stagger and crush the Empire from end to endyet of his whereabouts they were in utter ignorance.

Then Congress asked the States to vest in it the power to levy a tax of five per cent, on imports for a limited period, but, after waiting two years for the action of the States, less than nine concurred.

Then there was suddenly a great silence, and after waiting a little the leaders issued a clear command and the lines on both sides joined in a shout.

The same singing birds, the fishes and the game are there waiting your pleasure.

"] "He made no protest, sir," I replied, after waiting an instant for one of my companions to act the part of spokesman.

Till then, my soul, be patient and wait that happy day!" "Strike sail!

W. dined out the first night we slept at the Quai d'Orsay, and about an hour after we had arrived, while I was still walking about in my hat and coat, feeling very strange in the big, high rooms, I was told that the lampiste was waiting my orders (a few lamps had been lit in some of the rooms).

It was Rodolph whom Coubitant sought, and who was now, providentially, out of his reach, and waiting the result of the deed against which he had vainly protested.

It had gone on before, and was waiting my coming.

I put out the light, sat on the edge of the bed, and waited the issue of events.

And out in the tangled shrubberies that surrounded the house, lurkedfor all I could tellthose infernal Swine-creatures waiting their chance.

In view of this threatened attack, and for the purpose of repelling it, Lieutenant Frémont immediately occupied a mountain which overlooked Montereyalthough it was thirty miles from that cityand having intrenched it and raised the flag of the United States he waited the approach of the enemy.

Thus said he and stopped, waiting her answer.

The queen (it was true) continued single, but was little better than a state-prisoner in the power of these men, who under a pretence of waiting her decision, occupied the king's house, rather as owners than guests, lording and domineering at their pleasure, profaning the palace, and wasting the royal substance, with their feasts and mad riots.

She waited hours, sitting in the crowded room, ill from the oppressive air, the fixed stare of the officers, and the sobbing of others like herself waiting a word with the autocrat.

Don't you wait a second.

"Go," said he, "the others wait thee!"

" CHAPTER V Philip waited nearly a quarter of an hour for Elizabeth.

577 collocations for  waiting