12 collocations for wath

"That'th the way Bill alwayth uthed to tackle hith friendth, till he wath one day bounthed by a prithe-fighter in Frithco, whom he had mithtaken for a mithionary."

You wath always a favorite with uth, and you've done uth credit thinth the old timeth, I'm thure.

"The Jew caught the lapel of my coat and exclaimed impressively: "'The lath man wath a fool.

"Bleth't if I didn't think from the weight of your hand it wath my old friend, Thacramento Bill," said Curson apologetically, with a wink at the bystanders.

The friend that you wrote about who wath tho good to you, you know, can't keep you here alwayth; and are you thure you can alwayth trutht her?"

He had travelled a long way, he wath in very bad condition, he wath lame and pretty well blind.

" "But it wath a great lark," observed Johnnie, "and he knowth he thought tho.

They wath coming ontdothenth.

He went round as if he wath a theeking for a child he know'd; and then he comed to me, and thood on hith two fore-legth, weak ath he wath, and then he wagged hith tail and died.

Not if there wath a dothen Mithith Thkinnerth.

The friend that you wrote about who wath tho good to you, you know, can't keep you here alwayth; and are you thure you can alwayth trutht her?"

"Well," said Johnnie, "never wath a better time.

12 collocations for  wath