34 collocations for whittle

" "That's true, anyway," said Ringan, and fell to whittling a stick.

Wild with apprehensions of reaching the land without danger, he sat down and madly whittled a hole in the bottom of the boat, making it, as nearly as possible, such a one as a sword fish would be likely to cut.

" We poured out the last of the water in a pannikin and kept it for Rajah, and I ripped open a couple of envelopes and set to work on them with a stub of pencil, while Captain Riggs took my knife and began to whittle a piece of board.

Kaviak put a stop to his staring angrily by the hour into the fire, and set him to whittling out boats and a top, thereby providing occupation for the morrow, since it was one man's work to break Kaviak of spinning the one on the table during mealtime, and sailing the other in the drinking-water bucket at all times when older eyes weren't watching.

Once idly in his hall king Olave sat Pondering, and with his dagger whittled chips;

It would be midsummer madness to reject or whittle down a claim so backed.

My sole idea in gathering up this evidence against you and your accomplices was to whittle out a club that would make you let go of the Trans-Western.

In the evenings, to while away the hours and to be in readiness when in the Spring the warm rays of the sun would remove the snowy shroud and reveal to us her mortal remains, we constructed a small coffin, that we carefully painted a somber black, and we also whittled another white cross, which should in due time mark her eternal resting place.

We carried her into the section house where we revived her, and then we returned to the bunk house and until late into the night sawed, hammered and whittled those two crude crosses into shape, supposing Mrs. McDonald intended to take them with her into Canada, to keep as a memento of her sad experiences.

Nowfor her practical ingenuity was unlimitedshe is whittling little wooden feet to stretch the children's stockings on, to save them from shrinking; and now she is reading to us from the old, red copy of Hazlitt's "British Poets," by the register, upon a winter night.

He made nearly all of his tools with his own hands, he built his own chimney and forge, he even whittled out the wooden gun which stands for a sign over the door of his shop.

He got out his knife and whittled the mast half through.

When he came in I was busy whittling my axe-helve, it being my pleasure at that moment to make long, thin, curly shavings so light that many of them were caught on the hearth and bowled by the draught straight to fiery destruction.

In his hand he had a small penknife, with which he whittled the wooden knob at the end of his chair.

Then we have whittled down our loss extremely, and will not allow a man more than three hundred and fifty English slain out of the four thousand.

So far from having no object, he would and must acknowledge that he was in fact hoping to relieve himself of an oppressive portion of time by whittling away its minutes and hours.

" He whittled a moment thoughtfully.

He had brought his "thinking" to a close, whittled his opinions to a point, and was quite ready to stick them into their places for my benefit, and leave them there, as George Garth left all his opinions, immovable as the everlasting hills.

Wal, Capm, fust thing is to fish up a bit 'f driftwood 'n' whittle out 'nother paddle.

If the pupils can whittle off different planes for themselves, they will form a good idea of the formation of the wood.

He was whittling the point of a stick into a long wooden peg, and when, by-and-by, he had finished what he was about, he arose and stepped to where he who seemed to be the captain had stuck his cane upright into the ground as though to mark some particular spot.

Stephen was whittling Miss Mimy's portrait on the end of a stick, and laughing.

Every stun in this place was whittled out 'f the ruff-scuff at the bottom of the mounting, 'n' fetched up here in blankets on men's shoulders.

He sat down on the shore and whittled a soaked shingle into a wooden chain.

It is a type, not from any Oxford font, not in the Basque nor the arrow-headed character, not found on the Rosetta Stone, but destined to be copied in sculpture one day, if they ever get to whittling stone here.

34 collocations for  whittle