38 collocations for wink

He showed all his strong, white teeth, and ecstatically winked his one eye back at the Boy, who threw him another bit and then a piece to each of the others.

She winked a tear from her long eyelashes.

Before they could wink an eyelash they were safely down the chimney.

the lark at heaven's gate sings, And Phoebus 'gins arise, His steeds to water at those springs On chaliced flowers that lies; And winking Mary-buds begin To ope their golden eyes: With everything that pretty bin, My lady sweet, arise: Arise, arise!

" But to fix his attention for any length of time fatigued Charles, and he was the first to lower his eyes; he seemed to be interested in his pictures, while Aunt Dide, who had an astonishing power of fixing her attention, as if she had been turned into stone, continued to look at him fixedly, without even winking an eyelid.

R68247, 13Oct50, Eugene V. Connett. 3d (A) WINKING LIGHTS, by John Frederick [pseud. of Frederick Faust] (In Western story magazine)

" Mr. Chase, meeting Mr. Teak's eye, winked an obvious suggestion.

"He shook 'is 'ead with sorrow, and made a little sucking noise between 'is teeth, and afore you could wink, his dog 'ad laid hold of the old gen'leman's leg and kep' quiet waiting orders.

But already he was a gigantic and florid person, so tall that the heads of few men reached to his shoulder; a person of handsome exterior, high featured and blond, having a narrow small head, and vivid light blue eyes, and the chest of a stallion; a person whose left eyebrow had an odd oblique droop, so that the stupendous boy at his simplest appeared to be winking the information that he was in jest.

The little man actually winked a third time.

You can imagine the fairy picture it made with its myriad of winking fires, with the soft effulgence of a thousand glowing tents, and with the wonderful magic of the night over it all.

My laughing and winking young friend undertook to procure and arrange the flowers for the table, and did it with immense zeal.

Then he hit me a good whack on the shoulder and he winked at me awful funny and said: They are fools who go and tell Wisely has the poet sung.

Eve, looking across at Adam, seemed to wink one of her stony eyes, as much as to say, "Humph!

And then while he glowed at her and she wondered if he would pointedly look his lies that way, and if, in fine, his florid, gallant, knowing, almost winking intelligence, common as she had never seen the common vivified, would represent his notion of "blackness": "See here, Julia; I'll do more.

Beyond all this winked a few bleared lamplights through the beating dropslights that denoted the situation of the county-town from which he had appeared to come.

My eyes were full of tears, and I was afraid they'd go splashing down my cheeks, if I even winked my lashes.

" Monkhouse winked his red lashless lids, and meditated the while, as he pressed the juice of an orange into the third of a cup of white rum, and stirred in a handful of soggy brown sugar.

A little snap of his hand gave them a rapid rotary motion so that each one was merely a speck of winking light.

m. Mr. Cubbins winked at 'im and tapped 'is nose.

Good-night was accordingly said, the Café des Exilés closed her windows, then her doors, winked a moment or two through the cracks in the shutters and then went fast asleep.

he added aloud; "I am only in the way, and besides, I have no particular desire to encounter Mr. Bloundel or his apprentice;" and winking his solitary orb significantly at Patience, he strutted away.

He sat up, winking the sleep from his eyes, shaking it from his head.

Up rose Robin Hood, blithe and gay, up rose his merry men one and all, and up rose last of all stout Friar Tuck, winking the smart of sleep from out his eyes.

Then, when after a while I turned from the crowded roofs and looked down upon the gray, far-spreading plain of the Wolfmark, to the east I saw that which appeared like winking sparks of light moving among the black clumps of copse and woodland which fringed the river.

38 collocations for  wink