3 collocations for woollen

33-7 Spots, to remove 2270 To bottle with sugar 1544 Turnovers 1278 Water ices, to make 1556 Fuel 73 Fungi, analysis of 1128 Varieties of 1124 Furniture cleaning 2307, 2313 Gloss, German 2339 Polish 2308-9 Furs, feathers, and woollens 2284 Game, general observations on 1006-18 Hashed 1023 In season, January to December pp.

Then, then he saw, in a Roman palace, leaning on the back of a chair of antique shape, a woman who wore over her robe of white woollen the saffron-hued palla.

BRÜNN (95), Austrian city, capital of Moravia, beautifully situated, 93 m. N. of Vienna, with large manufactures; woollens the staple of the country; about one-half of the population Czechs.

3 collocations for  woollen