14 collocations for world

no worlds sad care nor wasting woe May come, their happie quiet to molest; But saints and angels in celestiall thrones 285 Eternally Him praise that hath them blest; There shall I be amongst those blessed ones.

Lean down unto the white-lipped sea The voice of God to hear! From world to world his couriers fly, Thought-winged, and shod with fire; The angel of his stormy sky Rides down the sunken wire.

A bold beginning is half the winning, An Alexander makes worlds his fee.

The cave in which these beares lay sleeping sound Was but earth, and with her owne weightinesse 571 Upon them fell, and did unwares oppresse; That, for great sorrow of their sudden fate, Henceforth all worlds felicitie I hate.

The glorious pourtraict of that angels face, Made to amaze weake mens confused skil, And this worlds worthlesse glory to embase, What pen, what pencil!, can expresse her fill?

The rulers of the several worlds, those worlds themselves, the stellar conjunctions, the ten points of the horizon, the firmament, the moon, and the sun, are all established in thee!

Not greater multitudes in arms appeared, On these extended plains, when Ammon's son 350 With mighty Porus in dread battle joined, The vassal world the prize.

the Light Of this tempestuous Age, this darke worlds sight!

*, The worlds sad spectacle, and Fortunes scorne.

Golde was the parget,$ and the seeling bright Did shine all scaly with great plates of golde; The floore of iasp and emeraude was dight.% O worlds vainesse!

There came unto my mind a troublous thought, Which dayly doth my weaker wit possesse, 30 Ne lets it rest untill it forth have brought Her long borne infant, fruit of heavinesse, Which she conceived hath through meditation Of this worlds vainnesse and life's wretchednesse, That yet my soule it deepely doth empassion*.

All this worlds glory seemeth vayne to me, And all their showes but shadowes, saving she.

But I will sing above all moniments Seven Romane Hils, the worlds seven wonderments.

If not, you have no idea what a jolly world the world of sounds can be to the blind.

14 collocations for  world