143 collocations for wrongest

"Didst thou not say that if thou couldst discover her who had wronged thee, thou wouldst wreak thy vengeance on her, and molest Basil no further?" "I did, and I meant it.

I retired when the rumble of the carriages in the streets, and the tramp on the stone sidewalks had ceased, and the scream of the eleven o'clock train had died away into silence, with a quiet conscience, and in the confidence that I should find that repose to which one who has wronged no man during the day, is justly entitled.

But do thou, O Muse, and thou Truth, daughter of Zeus, put forth your hands and keep from me the reproach of having wronged a friend by breaking my pledged word.

" It seemed to me we could not in reason ask for anything more; that we were now in the best possible position to learn what Brant's purpose was, and at the same time to aid Peter Sitz, therefore I laid down to rest, contented in mind as I was wearied in body; but poor Jacob, feeling as if he might in some way wrong his father by seeking repose, paced to and fro near the camp-fire until my eyes were closed in slumber.

Thus his praises wrong God

Why not consent to live with me as your mother lived with your father?" "Don't wrong the memory of my mother," responded she hastily.

But, Mr. Lovelace, I believe, you will allow, that it is better that her relations should have wronged you, than you the lady, I hope, Sir, you will permit me to repeat my question.

His condition, though servile, could not have been like that of an American slave; as, in that case, however he might have "wronged" Philemon, he could not also have "owed him ought.

Naturally the Tennesseeans, conscious that they had not wronged the Indians, and had scrupulously observed the treaty, grew imbittered over, the wanton Indian outrages.

But those who understand not so much Virtue, Will call it my neglect, and want of Gratitude; In this thy Modesty will wrong thy King.

Ephialtes was disliked and feared by the nobles, and was inexorable in punishing those who wronged the people; wherefore his enemies had him assassinated by means of Aristodicus of Tanagra.

Surely mortal man could not wrong that artless child.

Old man, Soon shall I prove how much you wrong my love; Thus do I call the spirit home again, And wave the slumber backward from her eyes.

And 'tis well known, whatever were her failings, she wronged no man's wife; nor had an husband to injure.

Besides this, they swore never to harm a child nor to wrong a woman, be she maid, wife, or widow; so that, after a while, when the people began to find that no harm was meant to them, but that money or food came in time of want to many a poor family, they came to praise Robin and his merry men, and to tell many tales of him and of his doings in Sherwood Forest, for they felt him to be one of themselves.

Oh, thou hast made me break a Vow, Diana, A sacred solemn Vow; And made me wrong the sweetest Innocence, That ever blest the Earth.

But on ancient rules lean I, Lest to wrong my thoughts should fly.

Rich colours, how I wrong ye by this wrong!

Yet how much better it were for you instead of reproaching Antony with cowardice to lay aside yourself that effeminacy both of spirit and of body, instead of bringing a charge of disloyalty against him to cease yourself from doing anything disloyal or playing the deserter, instead of accusing him of ingratitude to cease yourself from wronging your benefactors!

And greatly, also, do you wrong the Resolution in question, by your endeavor to array the Bible against it.

Who being given himself to be unchaste, Thinks all men like himself in their effects, And injures me, that never had a thought To wrong the sacred rights of spotless faith.

He had wronged herthis poor girl, or young woman, who, in her dire distress, had appealed to him.

" "Nay, when you so wrong my mother I must tell you exactly what she means:'Can a child of the Star take advantage of one who relies on her to explain the customs of a world unknown to him?

If our principle, put in practice, would wrong your section for the benefit of ours, or for any other object, then our principle, and we with it, are sectional, and are justly opposed and denounced as such.

Hath mine own friend so wronged me in his hall? SERVANT.

143 collocations for  wrongest