38 collocations for wur

And that wur vor a notable theng; He mead his braags avoore he died, Wi' any dree brothers his zons zshou'd zeng.

I wur a-gwain, an' sum sed as how I shood be murthur'd avoor I cum back.

"Eh," said she," I thought it wur th' clubman comin', an' I wur just goin' to tell him that I had nothin' for him."

"There's Dick the treble and John the mean (Let every mon zing in his auwn pleace); And Gaarge he wur the elder brother, And therevoore he would zing the beass.

"Yer tell'd me as how the sausingers wur sixpence," I sed; "an' the slices o' bread ud cut off a tuppeny loaf

"The stwuns that built Gaarge Ridler's oven, And thauy qeum from the Bleakeney's Quaar; And Gaarge he wur a jolly ould mon, And his yead it graw'd above his yare.

dunnot look at me, when it wur my fault!

Thur wur two or dree gentlemen in, an' thay larfed at the fizzle an' I. It seemed to meak me veel merryish, an' I zed, "What's to pay, young 'ooman?"

Then we went to look at the man in the road; he wur a greaser too.

I walked in, an' thur wur a hole in the purtition, an' I seed the peeple a-payin' thur money vor bits o' pasteboord.

"The next pleace I got work at, 'Twer by the day, Vor one old Varmer Vlower, Who sed I wur a rippin' turmut hower.

It wur a keaw jobber, at did it. . . .

I never wur away fro whoam o' neet i my life,never!

"I wur a-lookin' at Blackbird," he said, "poor wold chap!

Eh, aw wur some mad!

I never wur away fro whoam o' neet i my life,never!

It wur noan o' me.

I never wur away fro whoam o' neet i my life,never!

The sister said that her brother had been round to the factories that morning, "Thinking that as it wur a pastime, there would haply be somebody off; but he couldn't yer o' nought."

an' me, we set eawt this mornin' to go to Gorton Tank, becose we yerd that it wur sich a good place.

The anshunt Britons never hed any tailory done, but thay wur all artists wi' the paint pot.

So I paid thurd class, an' he shuved out sum pasteboord, an' I put it in my pocket, an' walked out; an' thur wur a row o' carridges waitin' vor Lunnon; an' off we went as fast as a racehoss.

An' he wur sech a gradely little chap, so peart an' lively, crowin' an' laughin' from morn till neet.

Thur wur a lot gwain into a room, an' I seed they wur eatin' and drinkin'; so I ses to meself, "I be rayther peckish, I'll go in an' see if I can get summut."

an' me, we set eawt this mornin' to go to Gorton Tank, becose we yerd that it wur sich a good place.

38 collocations for  wur