19 collocations for yeeld

Showe mee the caskett: if before you ope it I do not name you every parcell in't Lett it no more bee myne, mak't your own pryse; But such small trifles as I justly chalenge And cannot yeeld you the least benefitt, Of them let mee bee mystresse, synce they are The somme and crowne of all my future hopes,

I doe beseech you yeeld your cause Sir quickly.

Beside it is a staine unto thy Deitie To yeeld thine owne desires the soveraigntie: Then shew some grace vnto a wofull Dame, And in these groves our tongues shall sound thy fame.

For, though the vulgar yeeld an open eare, And common courtiers love to gybe and fleare At everie thing which they heare spoken ill, 715 And the best speaches with ill meaning spill, [Spill, spoil.]

Will you sell that The earthe affourds you gratis, and sett pryse Of what a foe would yeeld an enemy? Godfr.

Our friends to warre and, for my part, Ere lust beare sway, Ile gladly yeeld my heart.

And yet, in likelihood, it may be so; for without all question, it being extended from the tropick of Capricorn to the circle Antarctick, and lying as it doth in the temperate zone, cannot chuse but yeeld in time some flourishing kingdoms to succeeding ages, as America did unto the Spaniards."

450 Or who would ever care to doo brave deed, Or strive in vertue others to excell, If none should yeeld him his deserved meed, Due praise, that is the spur of doing well?

Howsoever, As one repentant for my rashnes past, And loathe to Imbrewe mee in more Innocent blood, I fyrst confesse my servant's guilt and myne, Acquitt the Fryar, and yeeld our persons upp To the full satisfaction of the lawe.

Were I his jaylor, And so affected unto Fredericks life, The fearfull'st tyrant nor the cruell'st plagues That ever lighted on tormented soules, Should make me yeeld my prisoner to their hands.

Nor anie one doth care to call us in, Or once vouchsafeth us to entertaine, Unlesse some one perhaps of gentle kin, 345 For pitties sake, compassion our paine, And yeeld us some reliefe in this distresse; Yet to be so reliev'd is wretchednesse.

Onely, my Lord, remember That he be rich and active, for without these The others yeeld no relish, but these perfect; You must bear with small faults, Madam.

Rome is no more: but if the shade of Rome May of the bodie yeeld a seeming sight, It's like a corse drawne forth out of the tombe

Beside it is a staine unto thy Deitie To yeeld thine owne desires the soveraigntie: Then shew some grace vnto a wofull Dame, And in these groves our tongues shall sound thy fame.

Swoones, I am peppered, I had need have salt, Or else to morrow I shall yeeld a stincke, Worse then a heape of dirty excrements.

The voyages into many of these Ilands belong vnto the captaine of Malacca: so that none may goe thither without his licence: which yeeld him great summes of money euery yeere.

Thou shouldst get gold, twill yeeld thee ten in the hundred On bare exchange, and raise the price with us; Make us for want coyn brasse and passe it currant

The subtill vermin, creeping closely* neare, Did in his drinke shed poyson privilie; Which, through his entrailes spredding diversly, Made him to swell, that nigh his bowells brust, And him enforst to yeeld the victorie, That did so much in his owne greatnesse trust.

I will not yeeld thy Workes so meane a Prayse; More pure, more chaste, more sainted then are Playes, Nor with that dull supinenesse to be read, To passe a fire, or laugh an houre in bed.

19 collocations for  yeeld