22 examples of 8am in sentences

December 8 was the date fixed for the attack.

8 is another of antiquity, with a large ladle and colander, with holes attached.

11 mo. 8 was the Monthly Meeting at Settle; my dear love and I both attended.

It is 81, and the 8 is the same size as our S. His ear-mark is a crop, which obliterates our swallow-fork.

To verify the supposition, let us observe if the 8 be seen often in couplesfor e is doubled with great frequency in Englishin such words, for example, as 'meet,' 'fleet,' speed,' 'seen,' 'been,' 'agree,' etc.

This is but to translate into criminal statistics the story just quoted; for the years 1905-8 were the years when martial law reigned in Russia, the years of revolution.

But the moment that tenancy was added to ownership, and a line was drawn distinguishing electors from non-electors, not by the nature of their qualifications, but by the amount of their rent, detail was substituted for principle; and the proposer or maintainer of the rule that the qualification should be a yearly rental of £10 might be called on to explain why, if £10 were a more reasonable limit than £15, £8 were not fairer than £10.

No. 8 is the mate of No. 7.

I occupied 55 royal towns of which 8 were ordinary towns and 11 impregnable fortresses.

If the number of men grouped is more than 3 and less than 12, they are formed as a squad of 4 files, the excess above 8 being posted as file closers.

We proceed as follows:1 and 2 are 3, and 3 are 6, and 4 are 10, and 5 are 15, and 6 are 21, and 7 are 28, and 8 are 36, and 9 are 45, and 10 are 55, and 11 are 66, and 12 are 78.

Then the master may exercise them backwards, saying, 12 and 11 are 23, and 10 are 33, and 9 are 42, and 8 are 50, and 7 are 57, and 6 are 63, and 5 are 68, and 4 are 72, and 3 are 75, and 2 are 77, and 1 is 78, and so on in great variety.

6, 7, and 8 are different views of the flue boilers of the steamer Forth.

Fig. 8 is a longitudinal section through 2 boilers.

It is in Pissin's monograph that Loeben's position in the Heidelberg circle of 1807-8 is worked out.

Of the pencil-writing fac-similed above, the "1559" and the "e" in No. 1 and the "Dudley" in No. 8 are so faint as to be almost indistinguishable; the rest of it, though very much rubbed, is plain enough to those who have good eyes.

As to the period when these annotations were written, there can be no doubt that it was between 1636 and the end of the third quarter of that century; yet the difference between Nos. 1 and 2 and the last line of No. 8 is very noticeable.

The reference in lines 6, 7 and 8 is to Revelation xxii.

"8 and 7 is 15, 9's out leaves 6; 3 and 8 is 11, 9's out leaves 2."Babcock's Practical Arithmetic, 1829, p. 22.

Experiments Nos. 5 and 8 were tried with sulphate of iron, sometimes known as payenizing, and the particulars of the former have been furnished by Mr. I. Hinckley, President of the Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore Railroad, to whom your committee is much indebted for a large mass of information on the subject of timber preservation.

Roe manuscript.) 8, 9, and 10, are low, woody islets: 8 is five miles to the eastward of Cairncross Island; 9 and 10 are to the northward of 8. 11 is also low and woody, but its position was not clearly ascertained.

Of the staff of 69, 8 are in the first class.

22 examples of  8am  in sentences