3294 examples of a chance in sentences

He has behaved idiotically, and I can never care for him in the way I used to, but I mean to give him a chance.

But you must give the man a chance for his life, you know.

As I never had an opportunity of redeeming myself whilst I was owned by Miner, though he promised to give me a chance, I was then very ambitious of obtaining it.

"Because, my dear young lady, before we can say anything, we have to give him a chance to say his say.

" Subsequently, when pressed to leave the marshy and deleterious air of Missolonghi, he replied, still more forcibly, "I cannot quit Greece while there is a chance of my being of (even supposed) utility.

Here was a chance of salvage after all.

" CHAPTER V "Nobody will know, no bouquets" There followed a tedious hour or two, during which Grim cross-examined the three "honest men," and took down lists of names from their dictation, getting Doctor Ticknor meanwhile to go for the police because Yussuf Dakmar might still be lurking in the neighbourhood for a chance to murder Narayan Singh.

I then stepped down and gave him a chance to climb on the boxes.

The rest did not stay in their territory while it was being ravaged (this was principally later, in the consulship of Cæcilius Metellus and Lincinius Silanus), but took refuge on the heights, from which they made descents whenever they saw a chance.

Both men welcomed the gong that announced a chance to breathe.

"I had hoped," he said to Miriam, "to get enough birds to give the new cook a chance of showing her skill in preparing a dish of game for dinner; but these two, which I may say I accidentally shot, are all I brought.

This was an hour and a half later than Andy retired, and would give him a chance to get fast asleep.

It was an inner self that knew and found a chance to speak.

A chance visit from General O'Brien, a prisoner on parole, who was accompanied by his friend, Lord Belmore, secured my release; and shortly afterwards I commenced an action for false imprisonment against Lord Privilege.

I ain't 'ad a chance o' gettin' 'is address yet.

The effect of this submission on the part of Waally, was to establish Ooroony more strongly than ever in authority, and to give him a chance of reigning peacefully for the remainder of his days.

He had opposed any encouragement to the insurrection in the beginning, seeing no hope for its success; but public opinion all over Europe and in America had by this time become so pronounced, and committees were beginning so widely to form to aid the Cretans, that there seemed a chance of intervention and a certainty of large assistance in money and moral encouragement.

He never got a chance to make no money for hisself before the war.

By independent and energetic action, by a conscious neglect of the will of the powers, which only a young constitutional polity would have dared, by an active and unselfish patriotism, Rumania had at last chosen and secured as her ruler the foreign prince who alone had a chance of putting a stop to intrigues from within and from without.

I've had these golf stockings two years, and never had a chance to wear 'em till now.

If ever anti-Christianity had a chance to show its beauty, it was when it was at its supreme strength, and when Christianity was a babe in the manger; and these are only suggestions of the hell it dug for man at Rome.

The D.A. takes a chance.

I have a chance of knowing what is in me.

In all the neighboring States to the four women's suffrage States (Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, and Utah) a women's suffrage amendment has been proposed to the Constitution, all the male voters have been given a chance to vote on the question, and in every instance it has been defeated by very large majorities.

German manufacturers need a chance to catch up with what the English already know about spinning and weaving.

3294 examples of  a chance  in sentences