346 examples of a favour in sentences

Presently Mr. Grey, whose racing was over, came to us, and had a favour pinned in his coat by Elspeth's fingers.

"I am asking it as a favour, I am indeed!

"But," objected the doctor, "I hardly know Miss Coombe well enough to ask a favour of her.

The King delighted in his conversation, and he was the dearer to his Majesty on this account, that he never asked a favour; whereas some other courtiers by their bold importunity exhausted that prince's treasures, who could not deny a man who craved, tho' he hated his forwardness; nor could remember the silent indigence of his friend, tho' he applauded the modesty of it.

"But I wonder, Flockart, if I might take you at your word, and ask you to do me a favour?

The doctrine of fatalism proved Islam's greatest asset during its first hard years of struggle, for it gave to its battlefields the glory of God's surveillance: "Death is a favour to a Muslim."

" "Your Highness shall take as a right what you sought for as a favour.

The senior partner had been amusing himself at his expense for some time, and in the hope of a favour at his hands he had endured it with unusual patience.

"One morning, in the summer of the year 1809, Mr. Canning looked in upon me at the Admiralty, said he had often troubled me on business, but he was now about to ask me a favour.

"Look here," he thundered, "it's only by way of a favour that I'm lettin' you boys wear shootin' irons today because I promised old Cumberland there wouldn't be no fuss.

I have already told you that I am sure my country would look with grave concern upon any injury inflicted without proper trial upon these prisoners of State, and I should esteem it as a favour if you can supply me with information upon this subject.

"Let me tell you," said Goldsmith, "when my tailor brought home my bloom-coloured coat, he said, 'Sir, I have a favour to beg of you; when anybody asks you who made your clothes, be pleased to mention John Filby, at the Harrow, Water Lane.'"

I've asked you a favour, Steve.

"I asked you to do me a favour, Steve.

"No," he ses, "I cant take a favour.

If any of your readers can tell me anything about them, I shall esteem it a favour.

The colonial assembly showed its gratification not only by freeing the informer and giving him five thousand pounds of tobacco but by resolving in commemoration of "so transcendant a favour as the preserving all we have from so utter ruin," "that the 13th.

I ask you as a favour, a favour to me, only for to-day.

Then, O great king, Kapila was pleased with Ansuman, and that saint of a virtuous soul told him to ask for a favour from him.

Then the king replied, "This request of thine, O hawk, I consider as a favour unto me, and, therefore, I will give unto thee even my own flesh, after weighing it in a balance.

P. S. Sir, if I marry this Lady by the Assistance of your Opinion, you may expect a Favour for it.

For another, the law in Canada exists and is administered, not as a surprise, a joke, a favour, a bribe, or a Wrestling Turk exhibition, but as an integral part of the national characterno more to be forgotten or talked about than one's trousers.

"How's that?" "I've got a berth ashore, sir," says Bill, "and I wanted to ask a favour, sir.

"Well, she sold up the stock-in-trade an' hired a couple o' roomsthe self-same rooms you see: and then she ate less 'n a mouse an' took in needle-work, plain an' fancy: for a lot o' the gentry's wives round the neighbourhood befriended herthough they had to be sly an' hide that they meant it for a favour, or she'd ha' snapped their heads off.

"Will you do me a favour, my pretty maiden?"

346 examples of  a favour  in sentences