591 examples of a fish in sentences

" So the corn story was a fish story after all, and the old inventor's vain attempt to make a new kind of flying machine was the key to all the mystery!

Cleanse and skin the skate, lay it in a fish-kettle, with sufficient water to cover it, salted in the above proportion.

I've got a fish, too!"

It was so unusual a thing to see a fish turn towards the spot where he was struck, that Roswell did not know what to make of this manoeuvre in his bull.

He was now two leagues from the schooners, and half that distance from the other boats, neither of which had as yet fastened to a fish.

If a coach-wheel 6 inches in diameter and 5 inches in circumference makes 240 revolutions in a second, how many men will it take to do the same piece of work in ten days?" Mr. Pucker grew redder and hotter than before, and gasped like a fish out of water.

Looking down into these green waters from the broken edge of the rock, or swimming leisurely in the sunshine, it seemed to me that they were enjoying their own tranquillity; and when now and again it was disturbed by a wind ripple on the surface, or the quick black passage of a fish far below, they settled back again (one could fancy) with relief.

After leaving, many of those on board were very ill for a week or ten days from having eaten of a fish which Forster calls a red sea bream, and Cook believed to be the same as those which poisoned de Quiros's people, and in his account says that: "The fish had eaten of poisonous plants, all parts of the flesh became empoisoned.

An' it'll take great thumpin' jumps sometimes, an' run along the tops of the trees, carrying its partner with it, an' then droppin' him jest as a fish hawk'll drop a pickerel to kill it before eatin'.

A fish came near, and floating on top of the water, asked, "Why are you weeping?" "I weep," Truth replied, "because the king will hang me early to-morrow morning unless I find the queen's ring, which has fallen into the sea.

"Because I have never learned how to cut a fish in pieces nor to cook it," she replied.

LORD DOLPHIN INTRODUCES HIMSELF Now who ever heard of a fish's sitting up and telling his own story!

Any trout he could reach with the net was promptly pulled out, if we particularly wanted a fish.

He cannot enter into any of the learned professions: both whilst he is there, and after his education is finished, he will be like a fish out of water.

"I've known none other who can prepare a fish with as much tenderness and perfection as you.

"Now, if a fish-globe be not overcrowded with fishes, we have only to throw in a goodly handful of some water-weed,such as the Callitriche, for instance,and a new set of chemical operations commences at once, and it becomes unnecessary to change the water.

DHU'LNUN, the surname of Jonah.; so called because he was swallowed by a fish.

Algiers was in sight, when Sheffield hurled the "grains" overboard, and cried that he had struck a fish.

"A roach is a fish of no great reputation for his dainty taste.

The captain, mate, and carpenter had a conversation respecting the attempt of the latter, to blow her up, who could not account for the circumstance, that an explosion had not taken place; they told him he ought to have burst a barrel of powder over the deck and down the stairs to the magazine, loaded a gun, tied a fish line to the lock and pulled it when he came off in the canoe.

Mate, you would have to see Nikko, with its majestic cryptomarias, sheltering the red and gold lacquer temples; you would have to feel the mystery of the gray-green avenues, and have its holy silences fall like a benediction upon a restless spirit, to realize what healing for soul and body is in the very air, to understand why I joyfully loitered for two hours and came back sane and hungry, but wet as a fish.

I should feel like a fish out o' water."

MERMAIDS and MERMEN (i. e. sea-maids and sea-men), a class of beings fabled to inhabit the sea, with a human body as far as the waist, ending in the tail of a fish; the females of them represented above the surface of the sea combing their long hair with one hand and holding a mirror with the other; they are supposed to be endowed with the gift of prophecy, and are of an amorous temper.

The crow's death was caused by a fish bone she had swallowed.

His beard looked like the tail of a fish.

591 examples of  a fish  in sentences