6 examples of a new car in sentences

Mr. Oxford's car seemed to show that Mr. Oxford never used a car twice, purchasing a new car every morning, like stockbrokers their silk hats, or the Duke of Selsea his trousers.

" "I've driven for three years now," asserted Molly, "and every time I buy a new car I get the craze all over again.

"Almost enough to buy you a new car a year, isn't it?"

Instead of riding down-town on one cable-car, as was his wont, he found himself trying, boy-like, to steal a ride by jumping on a car platform and standing there until the conductor came along, when he would hop off, ride a block or two on the end of a truck, and then try a new car, so beating his way down-town.

Whenever anything had happened to his Ford auty-mo-bile between Pinnacle and Lund, Casey never failed to trace the direct cause, which had always been external rather than internal, save that time when he had walked in and bought a new car without out probing into the vitals of the other.

"I was goin' to git me a new car, anyway.

6 examples of  a new car  in sentences