2465 examples of abolish in sentences

Should Congress prefer to abolish the franking privilege entirely, it seems probable that no demand on the Treasury would result from the proposed reduction of postage.

The seventh article of the amendments to the constitution is alleged to withhold from Congress the power to abolish slavery in the District.

To abolish slavery, is to take from no rightful owner his property; but to "establish justice" between two parties.

In conclusion, I argue the power of Congress to abolish slavery in the District, from Art.

The only ground taken against the right of Congress to abolish slavery in the District is, that it existed in Maryland and Virginia when the cession was made, and "as it still continues in both of them, it could not be abolished without a violation of that good faith which was implied in the cession."

The sole reason given why Congress should not abolish, and the sole evidence that if it did, such abolition would be a violation of "good faith," is that "slavery still continues in those states,"thus explicitly admitting, that if slavery did not "still continue" in those States, Congress could abolish it in the District.

The sole reason given why Congress should not abolish, and the sole evidence that if it did, such abolition would be a violation of "good faith," is that "slavery still continues in those states,"thus explicitly admitting, that if slavery did not "still continue" in those States, Congress could abolish it in the District.

The principle goes even further than this, and requires Congress in such case to abolish slavery in the District "by the good faith implied in the cession and acceptance of the territory."

Those legislatures had no power to bind themselves never to abolish slavery within their own territoriesthe ceded parts included.

But perhaps we shall be told, that the "implied faith" in the acts of cession of Maryland and Virginia was not that Congress should never abolish slavery in the District, but that it should not do it until they had done it within their bounds!

" First, Maryland and Virginia have "good faith" that Congress will not abolish until they do; and then just as "good faith" that Congress will abolish when they do!

If to abolish every form of slavery in the District would violate good faith, to abolish the form existing in those states, and to substitute a totally different one, would also violate it.

If to abolish every form of slavery in the District would violate good faith, to abolish the form existing in those states, and to substitute a totally different one, would also violate it.

Not to abolish any part of it that exists in those states.

Three years after the cession, the Virginia delegation in Congress proposed the passage of an ordinance which should abolish slavery, in that territory, and declare that it should never thereafter exist there.


That the people in any state where slavery exists, have the power to abolish it, none will deny.

" Thus, the sovereignty of the District of Columbia, is shown to reside solely in the Congress of the United States; and since the power of the people of a state to abolish slavery within their own limits, results from their entire sovereignty within that state, so the power of Congress to abolish slavery in the District, results from its entire sovereignty within the District.

The history of legislation since the revival of letters, is a record crowded with testimony to the universally admitted competency of the law-making power to abolish slavery.

But waving details, suffice it to say, that England, France, Spain, Portugal, Denmark, Russia, Austria, Prussia, and Germany, have all and often given their testimony to the competency of the legislative power to abolish slavery.

That Congress has no power to abolish slavery in the Territories.

His first act was with the consent of a specially summoned skup[)s]tina to abolish the law by which he could only appoint and remove his counsellers with the approval of the Porte.

The Spaniards, and even the Italians, might abolish their crosses and images, and yet preserve their Christianity; but if the French ceased to be bigots, they would become atheists.

They make common cause in seeking to abolish the worship of Cupid, and their tragedies are represented as alike due to his offended deity.

But there is a slavery that no legislation can abolish,the slavery of caste.

2465 examples of  abolish  in sentences