12 examples of abort in sentences

Pregnant rabbits abort, hens produce very small eggs or none at all.

A woman with the closed-in type of pituitary, shut up in a small non-expansile sella turcica, will suffer the most violent headaches, will become fat, will frequently abort.

miss, miss one's aim, miss the mark, miss one's footing, miss stays; slip, trip, stumble; make a slip &c n.. blunder &c 495, make a mess of, make a botch of; bitch it^, miscarry, abort, go up like a rocket and come down like the stick, come down in flames, get shot down, reckon without one's host; get the wrong pig by the tail, get the wrong sow by the ear &c (blunder), )mismanage) 699.

Cells abort, others take their place, and we have a scoundrel or a madman instead of a man of genius, or simply an honest man.

abortar, to eject, abort, give untimely birth to.

my sheaf arose and also stood upright; and behold, your sheaves stood round abort, and made obeisance to my sheaf.

Two years and a little re-structuring later, the labour pains are visible in Mapusa Plus, but, after 35 odd issues, I do not know whether the issue will be delivered or aborted.

This accomplished, and the crucial moment recovered and transfixed, the victim of the aborted opportunity is led to deal with it as one may deal with the fluid, and may not deal with the fixed.

The stye should be built about three feet deep and a little more in width and such a height from the ground as will permit a pregnant sow to get out without straining herself, as that might cause her to abort.

The cell is furnished on each side at the top with a usually well-developed avicularium, in some species of huge size, and in some very minute, or entirely aborted.

It would thus be correct to saythat each cell is furnished with two lateral processes, each of which in the fully developed state consists of three distinct compartmentsone superior, a cup or spine: a middle one, which is the avicularium: and an inferior; and it would appear that one or more of these elementary compartments of the lateral process may be more developed than the next, or sometimes entirely aborted.

As some difficulty might be experienced in the discrimination of this species from C. elegans, and another South African species (not the variety of C. elegans above noticed) it is requisite to remark that the long retrocedent spines when present are not placed upon or superadded to the avicularia, but that they seem to represent an aborted or transformed state of those organs.

12 examples of  abort  in sentences