57 examples of abutment in sentences

XIX THE END OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM From the abutment, where once had been the windows, through which I had watched that first, fatal dawn, I could see that the sun was hugely greater, than it had been, when first the Star lit the world.

Towards the rear of the house, on the west side, he came across a curious abutment of masonry jutting out squarely from the wall.

On the other side of this abutment, which gave the house something of an unfinished appearance, were three French windows close together.

The corporal led the way past motionless men peering out over the top of the wall, and on to a widening, where an abutment of filled bags loomed up darkly.

Contiguity N. contiguity, contact, proximity, apposition, abuttal^, juxtaposition; abutment, osculation; meeting, appulse^, rencontre^, rencounter^, syzygy [Astr.], coincidence, coexistence; adhesion &c 46; touching &c v.. (touch) 379. borderland; frontier &c (limit) 233; tangent; abutter.

[Fr.]; abatis, abattis^, abbatis^; vallum^, circumvallation^, battlement, rampart, scarp; escarp^, counter-scarp; glacis, casemate^; vallation^, vanfos^. buttress, abutment; shore &c (support) 215. breastwork, banquette, curtain, mantlet^, bastion, redan^, ravelin^; vauntmure^; advance work, horn work, outwork; barbacan^, barbican; redoubt; fort-elage [Fr.], fort-alice; lines.

pilar, m., pillar, post, column, support, abutment.


Could he bring down the rainbow till its hither abutment rested on the centre of the stream in a transparent mist of driving rain, while its keystone was lost in the stooping cloud above?

This forms an abutment for supporting the ladle in the gudgeon band, being secured to this last by latch bolts and cotters.

The swing bridge extends over two openings, or from the north abutment to the southern pier, its center of revolution being situated over the center of the northern span, and revolves upon a turntable, which is carried upon a lower platform or frame of girders extending across the northern span of the bridge.

In August, 1827, the small rivulet called the College, at the foot of the Cheviot Hills, was so swollen by the heavy rains, that the current tore away from the abutment of a mill dam, a large block of stone, weighing nearly two tons, and transported it to the distance of a quarter of a mile.

The workmen of the enterprise, who lived about 325 feet above this mill and about 650 feet from the south abutment, heard nothing of it, the wind having carried the noise in an opposite direction.

The breakage had occurred upon the abutment, and the part 195 feet in length that remained in position in the cutting was strongly wedged between walls of rock, which had kept this portion in place and prevented its following the other into the ravine.

The abrupt rise, which is feared from firm circular arches, may be easily prevented, by a little extension of the abutment at each end, which will take away the objection, and add almost nothing to the expense.

R67841, 2Oct50, Burton E. Stevenson (A) KINNE, W. S. SEE Foundations, abutments and footings. R67314.

Hinton supposes a conductor to be a body which has the property of serving as a terminal abutment to such a hyper-vortex as has been described.

The abutments on either side of the Straits are huge piles of masonry.

The side towers stand at a clear distance of 460 feet from the great central tower; and, again, the abutments stand at a distance from the side towers of 230 feet, giving the entire bridge a total length of 1849 feet, corresponding with the date of the year of its construction.

The first abutment on the side of the city starts on a level with the bluff, giving seventy-five feet between the bridge and the river, and then falls rapidly away, supported by nine stone piers, to the low flat land on the opposite shore.

The preoperculum is curved in the segment of a circle, and has a short spine, with a smaller one on its base, opposite to the abutment of the infra-orbitar ridge.

And sure enough, when they had passed an abutment of the ridge, far off through the woods they saw a fire.

I'll admit that I'm no good as a wire-puller, but when it comes to getting out the voters, there's where you will find me as solid as a bridge abutment.

There was a grim abutment at least eighteen hundred feet high; at its base two rocks, which had tumbled ages ago from the summit, formed a rude breakwater; and on this barrier had collected a bed of coarse pebbles, strewn with driftwood.

Bihzad Khan placed the princess and me on the abutment of an arch of the bridge which, like the bridge of Jaunpur, consisted of twelve arches, and he himself turned about, and pushed his horse towards the troops; he rushed in among them like a growling lion; the whole body was dispersed like a flock of sheep, [380] and he penetrated to the two chiefs and cut off both their heads.

57 examples of  abutment  in sentences