51 examples of abysmal in sentences

Under his dark and solid brows gleamed large eyes of abysmal blackness and intensity.

bottomless, soundless, fathomless; unfathomed, unfathomable; abysmal; deep as a well; bathycolpian^; benthal^, benthopelagic^; downreaching^, yawning. knee deep, ankle deep.

That dream, so familiar to childhood, of meeting a lion, and, from languishing prostration in hope and vital energy, that constant sequel of lying down before him, publishes the secret frailty of human naturereveals its deep-seated Pariah falsehood to itselfrecords its abysmal treachery.

His soul voyaged on dark and troubled seas and gazed into abysmal spaces.

And how did Betty, with her abysmal ignorance of pass-book lore, manage to postpone her financial catastrophe for two whole years?

She was not afraid; though if there had been time to notice it, she would have confessed to an abysmal sense of horror and despair.

An awful place it always is; and Elsley saw it at an awful time, as the glare unveiled below him a sea of rock-waves, all sharp on edge, pointing toward him on every side: or rather one wave-crest of a sea; for twenty yards beyond, all sloped away into the abysmal dark.

And as DeBar turned and staggered toward Joanne and Marie, John Aldous was sinking deeper and deeper into a black and abysmal night.

There was a vast silence about him, a silence as deep and as unbroken as the abysmal pit in which he seemed to be softly floating.

When we came on it at last it was down below us in abysmal darkness, one light shining through a window two feet square in proof we were not hesitating on the verge of the infinite pit.

Here, in fine, gentle reader, is a work of such colossal force that to render justice to its abysmal greatness we have ransacked the vocabulary of superlative laudation in vain.

You have read how Rhuyghens, the Dutch navigator, discovered in Kerguellen's Land an abysmal pit which fourteen hundred fathoms of plumb-line failed to sound.

For several nights there were rehearsals of darkness, without the bugle-calls, and the city was plunged into abysmal gloom, through which people who had been dining in restaurants lost themselves in familiar streets and groped their way with little shouts of laughter as they bumped into substantial shadows.

Though Moussa was unaware, in his abysmal ignorance, of the interesting fact, the great two-handed sword so effectually wielded by the supporter of his captor, was exactly like that of a Crusader of old.

He plumbed an abysmal trouser pocket with a vast red hand, paid his cabman, and came panting resolutely up the steps, a copy of the pink paper clutched about the middle, like Jove's thunderbolt, in his hand.

The shadow in the cart-shed was now an abysmal black.

The boat appeared to be floating in the air and athwart the liquid atmosphere that wraps this abysmal world, the fish hooks were dangling, and a swarm of fishes was swimming and wriggling toward its encounter with death.

Did man shape it out of his abysmal desire, or did God make and establish it out of His love.

La brute des cavernes (The abysmal brute) Tradult par Louis Postif et Paul Gruyer.

La brute des cavernes (The abysmal brute) Tradult par Louis Postif et Paul Gruyer.

A ballad of sorrow, A grey sort of lay of To-day and a greyer To-morrow; A dismal, abysmal, chaotic, neurotic Creation Of one who was done after running a mile To the station.

However, in a house so full of bright-eyed children, with mothers and sisters of all ages as their confederates, the secret was soon out, and before Agricola had left his little cottage in the grove the topic of all tongues was the abysmal treachery and ingratitude of negro slaves.

For hours he remained stretched on his bed, now a prey to feverish and agitated wakefulness, now in the grip of oppressive dreams in which he tumbled down flights of stairs and felt himself sinking, powerless, into abysmal depths.

Two abysmal powers (Tiamat and Apsu), represented as female and male, mingle their waters, and from them proceed the gods.

The general similarity between this account and that of Gen. i. is obvious: both begin with the abysmal chaos.

51 examples of  abysmal  in sentences