871 examples of abysses in sentences

Simply because, with all the life and beauty of his style, the vigour and truth of his descriptions, the boldness of his conceptions, and the reach of his vision in the dark abysses of passion, Lord Byron was but imperfectly acquainted with human nature.

I shall even find a faint interest in seeing into what darker and profounder abysses of hell you can plunge this home.

Its exactions increased from day to day, and it was not difficult to see to what abysses it was leading the entire American Union.

The eye and the fancy strain vainly into the green abysses, and wander up and down over the wealth of depths and heights, compared with which European parks and woodlands are but paltry scrub and shaugh.

"May Nature guard you in her deep abysses among the pearls and corals of her eternal seas," then said the priest, solemnly extending his hands.

Well might the mere artist and worshipper of anthropomorphic beauty shrink appalled, and sigh for a lodge under some low Grecian heaven and in the bosom of some old myth-peopled Nature, as he trembled before the apocalypses of modern sidereal science, which has dropped its plummet to unimaginable depths through the nebulous abysses of space, shoaled with systems of worlds as the sea is with its finny droves.

"I know, madame, that the ground at court is full of dangerous abysses; and I know that, though I am young and have never injured any person, I have many enemies.

[50] winged, serpents, fishes, and birds, from unknown regions and abysses, the ...

When they came to the foot-hills and the rider dismounted and led the way, with a following muzzle at times poking the small of his back, up the tortuous path, rounding pinnacles and skimming the edge of abysses, his leg muscles answered with the readiness of familiarity with climbing.

He turned his face toward the range, earnest in its transfixion and suffused with the spirit of restlessness and the call of the mighty rock masses, gray in their great ribs and purple in their abysses.

From a distant starry name, withdrawn into the abysses of heaven, she would turn again to woman and a wonderful nearness.

On the contrary, a man who is used to contemplate and reflect carries his looks further, and curiously considers the almost infinite abysses that surround him on all sides.

We live plunged in abysses of air, as fishes do in abysses of water.

We live plunged in abysses of air, as fishes do in abysses of water.

Of the misery of Ireland it was said (I think by Sheridan): "It fevered his blood, it broke his rest, it drove him at times half frantic with furious indignation, it sunk him at times in abysses of sullen despondency, it awoke in him emotions which in ordinary men are seldom excited save by personal injuries.

So they walked over the crackling leaves in the garden, between the lines of box breathing its fragrance of eternity;for this is one of the odors which carry us out of time into the abysses of the unbeginning past; if we ever lived on another ball of stone than this, it must be that there was box growing on it.

Seek it in Pudding-lane, and Dyot-street, and the abysses of Westminster.

His sublime genius towered above the atmosphere, and penetrated, with a searching look, even into the deepest abysses of the human heart.

Inspired, infinite, inexhaustible as it is, can we pretend to have fathomed all its abysses, to have comprehended all its boundless treasures?

All that I can I shall persuade to my way of thinking about thought and to the use of words in my loose, expressive manner, but Belloc and Chesterton and I are too grown and set to change our languages now and learn new ones; we are on different roads, and so we must needs shout to one another across intervening abysses.

And with the development of philosophical and scientific method that will go on with this great increase in man's control over himself, another issue that is now a mere pious aspiration above abysses of ignorance and difficulty, will come to be a manageable matter.

There is a way to God through the arts, but it is a way of quicksands and miasmas, of deep forests and abysses.

The abysses roared, the rocks moaned; on the ledges were singing sirens who, with their music, attracted ships in order to dash them to pieces.

And on the high roads where they went abreast she was apt to be carried away by the pageant of earth and sky; the solid darkness that came up from the moor; the gray, aerial abysses of the dale; the awful, blank withdrawal of Greffington Edge into the night.

By deep sea soundings he mapped the vast beds over which the waters roll and reached an intimacy with the life of its most profound abysses.

871 examples of  abysses  in sentences