109 examples of academician in sentences

Why else should the man, who knows pictures as I know you, pay twenty thousand guineas for a footling copy of a Corot that wouldn't deceive aa Royal Academician!

A friend of mine, who happens to be a Liberal journalist, went to a private dinner recently to meet M. Painlevé, the French Academician, Senator Lafontaine, of Brussels, and two other French and Belgian deputies.

historical painter, landscape painter, marine painter, flower painter, portrait painter, miniature painter, miniaturist, scene painter, sign painter, coach painter; engraver; Apelles^; sculptor, carver, chaser, modeler, figuriste^, statuary; Phidias, Praxiteles; Royal Academician.

Referring, I suppose, to Paul Pellisson-Fontanier, the academician, and a famous prisoner in the Bastille, who trained a spider to eat flies from his hand.

The tiniest academician worked furiously to diminish the glory of the great men asleep in the peace of the grave.

And it is reported that B.J.'s father forgot for a few minutes the fact that his son was now a dignified academician.

" "I see that you have read Sainte Beuve, Major Noltitz; perhaps this sceptical academician was right in a general way.

Mr. Ruskin somewhere quotes the language of an "eminent Academician," who remarks, in answer to some criticism on a picture, "that if you look for curves, you will see curves; and if you look for angles, you will see angles."

STANHOPE.</b> Mr. Norman Gastin, in an article upon the work of the Royal Academician, Stanhope Forbes, in the Studio, July, 1901, pays the following tribute to the wife of the artist, whose maiden name was Elizabeth Armstrong: "Mrs. Stanhope Forbes's work does not ask you for any of that chivalrous gentleness which is in itself so derogatory to the powers of women.

The first woman elected Academician in the Academy of Design, Chicago, 1876.

Le Brun should be elected to the Academy; Vernet approved it, and an unusual honor was shown her in being made an Academician before the completion of her reception picture.

Her grandfather, James Ward, was a royal Academician, and one of the best animal painters of England.

The obverse is from Chantrey's celebrated Bust of Sir Walter, and the reverse a graceful female figure, with the inscription, "to great men;"designed by R. Stothard, Esq., the venerable Academician, and engraved by his son, A.J. Stothard, Esq.

Walter Harte in his Essays on Husbandry (1764) says that Cato writes like an English squire and Varro like a French academician.

This is just comment on Cato but it is at once too much and too little to say of Varro: a French academician might be proud of his antiquarian learning, but would balk at his awkward and homely Latin, as indeed one French academician, M. Boissier, has since done.

This is just comment on Cato but it is at once too much and too little to say of Varro: a French academician might be proud of his antiquarian learning, but would balk at his awkward and homely Latin, as indeed one French academician, M. Boissier, has since done.

Under his guise of moderation, this academician exuded gall.

But a Della Cruscan academician might at least have corrected by his dictionary the spelling of labra.

Then Leonardo's 'Art of Painting' and Reynolds's Discourses'both discovered in the shop, and studied incessantly, till the boy of eighteen felt himself the peer of any Academician, and walked proudly down the Kendal streets, thinking of the half-finished paintings in his garret at home, and of the dreams, the conceptions, the ambitions of which that garret had already been the scene.

They discussed the personnel of the life-school Fenwick was attending, the opening of a new atelier in North London by a well-known Academician, the successes at the current 'Academy,' the fame of certain leading artists.

They gave it a bad place, and an Academician told Fenwick what had happened.

' Cuningham walked on beside him, telling what he knew, Fenwick all the time dumbly vexed that this good-looking, prosperous fellow, this Academician in his new fur coat, breathing success and commissions, should know more of his best friend's doings than he.

On the threshold he ran against the Academician with the orange hair and beard, who had been his fellow-guest at the Findon's on the night of his first dinner-party there.

Three out of the eighteen had come under discussion; one out of the three had been warmly advocated by Béranger, one by Lebrun, and the third by some other academician.

It survived four representations, three at the Théâtre-Français and one at Court, and then disappeared from the repertory, not to be taken up again until Marivaux was an academician, and as such, in the minds of many, of course worthy of applause.

109 examples of  academician  in sentences