2791 examples of accented in sentences

(a) There is no diphthong if an accented weak vowel precedes a strong.

(2) If a strong vowel is followed by a weak vowel after the accented syllable, they form a diphthong, e.g. hablaba^is, amara^is.

(3) If a weak vowel is followed by a strong vowel after the accented syllable, they form a diphthong, e.g. histor^i^a, ans^i^a.

3. TRIPHTHONGS AND COMBINATIONS OP THREE OR MORE CONTIGUOUS VOWELS If three vowels belonging to the same word are contiguous, one of them must be accented.

Each of the above arrangements has two combinations of accented and unaccented vowels to which the rules for diphthongs may be applied.

If the accented vowel is not in a constituent syllable synalepha may occur.

Iambic verse would have a regular alternation of unaccented and accented syllables, / /, etc.

Dactylic verse would have a regular recurrence of an accented syllable followed by two unaccented syllables, etc. / | / |, etc.

B. SPANISH VERSE ENDINGS An accented word is called aguda when it has the accent on the last syllable, e.g. verdad, luz, yo; llana (or grave) when it has the accent on the penult, e.g. trabajo, fruto; esdrújula when it has the accent on the antepenult, e.g. límpido, pájaro, pórtico.

In a verso esdrújulo, the intermediate syllable between the accented syllable and the final syllable does not count, either in enumerating the syllables in the verse or for the rhyme (assonance).

In words accented on the last syllable (agudas), the assonance is that of the last syllable only, e.g. perdónespiró; azultú.

Therefore, cantares and trocabais assonate in á-e. If the accented vowel is not a, the a of ai counts in the assonance.

You have perhaps been taught that a "foot" in verse is an accented syllable with one or more unaccented syllables, and you scan poetry by marking all the accented syllables.

You have perhaps been taught that a "foot" in verse is an accented syllable with one or more unaccented syllables, and you scan poetry by marking all the accented syllables.

Following Gray, Wood, and others we have marked each accented syllable with either the grave (`) or acute (´) accent, the former showing that the vowel over which it stands has its long sound, while the latter indicates the short or modified sound.

Let it be remembered that any syllable with either of these marks over it is the accented syllable, whose sound will be long or short according to the slant of the mark.

"Each section is supposed to contain a heavy [portion] and a light portion; the heavy [portion] being the accented syllable, and the light [portion] the unaccented" [syllable].Rush, on the Voice, p. 364.

"An Anapsest has the two first syllables unaccented, and the last accented: as, 'Contravene, acquiésce.

"An Iambus has the first syllable unaccented, and the latter accented.

"A Dactyl has the first syllable accented, and the two latter unaccented.

d=all~y." And again: [[Fist]] "The SAME with an ADDITIONAL accented syllable; as, Wh=ere th~e | w=ood ~is | w=av~ing |gr=een ~and |h=igh, F=auns ~and |

Hence the following construction appears to be inaccurate: "A single consonant or a mute and a liquid before an accented vowel, is joined to that vowel"Dr.

25,000 words spelled, divided, and accented.

SEE Opdycke, John B. 25,000 words spelled, divided, and accented.

It is certain that E mute can in no instance be assimilated to the accented E; but to suppress it entirely, is to break the symmetry of the verse, to put the measure out of time.

2791 examples of  accented  in sentences