50 examples of acceptably in sentences

He must be so 'furnished' that, without recourse to books or study-table, he can minister acceptably to men who under the guise of a miner's garb hide the social and mental culture of life in Eastern colleges and professional days.

See that you refuse not Him that speaketh; for if they escaped not who refused Moses that spake on earth, much more shall not we escape if we turn away from Him that speaketh from heaven; wherefore follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord, and have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably, with reverence and godly fear.

The vows of Henrich and his Christian bride were made in the presence of that God who instituted marriage, and hollowed it; and they were sanctified by the 'prayer of faith, which rises as freely, and as acceptably, from the wilderness as from the stately cathedral.

Martha Savory and her companion Martha Towell are now acceptably with us.

J.R. also suffered his voice to be acceptably heard in testimony, after which the meeting closed in solemn supplication.

Commodus was but nineteen when his father died; for the first three years of his reign he ruled respectably and acceptably.

This savoury gruel may be acceptably varied from time to time by substituting Robinson's Patent Barley or Groats for the above.

What else can be the meaning of our preacher's taking upon himself to denounce the sentiments of the most serious professors in great cities, as vitiated and stark-naught, of relegating religion to his native glens, and pretending that the hymn of praise or the sigh of contrition cannot ascend acceptably to the throne of grace from the crowded street as well as from the barren rock or silent valley?

This gentleman lectured acceptably on this topic during the winter at Detroit.

If you do not, we shall return to our private condition, with no other regret than that which will arise from our not having served you as acceptably and essentially as we wished and strove to do, though as cheerfully and faithfully as we could.

I thought I was making him the nicest compliment possible; for really the picture and the frame had turned out most acceptably, and now the good man takes offence at a superficial act of politeness, which one really ought not to neglect, since many persons' feelings are hurt if we omit it.

" A good man once said "that if God should send two angels down from heaven, and should tell one of them to sit on a throne and rule a kingdom, and the other to sweep the streets of a city, the latter would feel that he was serving God as acceptably in handling his broom as his brother angel was in holding his sceptre.

In trying to amuse his baby brother, and to relieve his poor sick mother, that little boy was serving God as truly and as acceptably as the angel Gabriel does when he wings his way, on a mission of mercy, to some far off world.

Thus the letter began: "My son,Hear thine own history from the mouth of thy mother; from no other will it come to thee more acceptably.

"A mother can pray with a sick child on her lap more acceptably than to leave it alone in order to go and pray by herself."

But I say, that a needless multiplication of questionable vowel powers difficult to be discriminated, is "harm," or a fault in teaching; and, where intelligent orthoepists [sicKTH] dispute whether words have "the grave or the short sound" of a, how can others, who condemn both parties, acceptably split the difference, and form "a distinct element" in the interval?

The immature Wilbur drove the thing acceptably, though requiring help on the larger boxes of merchandise, and Trimble Cushman, still driving horses on his other truck, was proud of his employee.

Lyman Teaford still came of an evening to play his flute acceptably, while Winona accompanied him in many an amorous morceau.

And this ye do also: Ye cover the altar of Jehovah with tears, So that he regardeth not the offering any more, Neither receiveth it acceptably from your hand.

The absent Constance was down in the town, just then bestowing favors not possible for any one else to offer so acceptably to a certain duplicate and very self-centered Steve aged eighty dayssh-sh-sh!

The work he had done so acceptably and efficiently at the West was followed by equally effective services in his wider field at the East.

It is faith that brings the power to exhibit the graces of the Spirit, and to act acceptably in the sight of God.

Doubtless she would have grown out of all this timidity, and would have acquitted herself more acceptably in meeting, if she had met with consideration and kindness from the elders and influential members of the Society.

One of your prefaces indicates, most acceptably and plainly, your personal amity; but just as Hercules, according to Xenophon, was incorruptible by pleasure, so you have made a point of resisting the influence of private feeling.

The first named became subsequently a member of the Conference, traveled several years acceptably, was greatly beloved by all his brethren, and finally died within the bounds of New Berlin Circuit.

50 examples of  acceptably  in sentences