23 examples of accordeon in sentences

When night falls upon the earth like a drop of ink upon the word Sun, and the stars glitter like the points of so many poised gold pens all ready to write the softer word Moon above the blot, the organist of St. Cow's sits in his own room, where his fire keeps-up a kind of aspenish twilight, and executes upon his accordeon a series of wild and mutilated airs.

At the end of that time, after repeatedly tripping-up its exasperated organist over wrong keys in the last bar, the accordeon finally relinquishes the concluding note with a dismal whine of despair, and retires in complete collapse to its customary place of waiting.

On the landward side, from wine shops across the way, came blurred gusts of laughter and the wailing of an accordeon.

Over across the bay some one was playing an accordeon, and to its strains a stout-lunged lumberjack was roaring out a song, with all his fellows joining strong in the chorus: "Oh, the Saginaw Kid was a cook in a camp, way up on the Ocon-to-o-o.

R114262, 3Jul53, Wm. J. Smith Music Co., inc. (PWH) Method for Italian model accordeon.

Piano accordeon method.

Method for Italian model accordeon.

R114258. SEE Bradbury, Frank C. Piano accordeon method.

Five artistic solos for piano accordeon, containing Accordiana, Summer dreams, and 3 other numbers.

J. Paramount piano accordeon method.

Paramount piano accordeon method.

R114262, 3Jul53, Wm. J. Smith Music Co., inc. (PWH) Method for Italian model accordeon.

Piano accordeon method.

Method for Italian model accordeon.

R114258. SEE Bradbury, Frank C. Piano accordeon method.

Five artistic solos for piano accordeon, containing Accordiana, Summer dreams, and 3 other numbers.

J. Paramount piano accordeon method.

Paramount piano accordeon method.

Through the casement window that was still ajar came the faint notes of an accordeon from Monsieur Gréville's garden, across the way.

His eyelids closed drowsily, and then the accordeon seemed to be singing something to him.

At five o'clock that evening the sound of Gabriel's accordeon went echoing up and down the garden, and thirty little children were marching to its music along the paths, between the rows of blooming laurel.

And agin I wep', and sez to 'em: "How can it be stopped?" Tirzah Ann looked completely squelched and could do nothin' only weakly ask: "If I spozed I could git him to play on a accordeon, she kinder thought that some time she'd hearn of some man, somewhere havin' his mind soothed by one.

" "Accordeon!"

23 examples of  accordeon  in sentences