63 examples of accordin in sentences

With such a prop as this ere little territory, where games of chance are "entered into accordin' to the act of Congress," to cote from a familiar passage in every printed copy of PUNCHINELLO, the Perfesser could have raised this little hemisfeer quicker than any of you chaps can gobble up a greenhorn.

"It is for you to say, accordin' to the agreement we made.

"Ay, that's what we are, lad, an' I'm thinkin' there will be no way out of the difficulty until some of these insubordinates are killed off, which will be greatly to the advantage of the command, accordin' to my way of thinkin'.

" "That must be accordin' to the fortunes of war.

Those who were crooked he punished accordin' to their offense.

Accordin' to law, children belong to the fatherain't that right?

Some we take off whole, an' others is slit up, jest accordin' to the kind.

"Well sir, we was thinkin' that if Miss Anthea has a good season, this year, we'd get it over an' done wi' some time in October, sir,but it's all accordin'.

Well, now, I must go and light up accordin' to custom.

A-lighted up accordin' to custom.

Unless a will should be foundand, by all I can learn, there is none"emphasizing the last word with point"unless a will be found, the whole estate, real and personal, must be divided into just five shares; which, accordin' to my calculation, would make about two thousand dollars a share.

"Then you won't send him away?" "Listen to me while I talk to you straight," said Joe Cumberland, "and accordin' to the way you take it will depend whether Dan goes or stays.

Now, Pink, you an' me'll keep a runnin' account, you a-chargin' for reg'lar bo'd, an' I a'lowin' to myself credics for my absentees, accordin' to transion customers an' singuil mealers an' sleepers.

I'm Phoebe, Mike's wife, an' I ain't got nothin' in the world to do with this house, for mostly I go out to service in the town, but I'm here now; and of course we didn't want you all to come an' find nothin' to eat, an' no beds made, an' as you didn't write no orders, sir, we had just to do the best we could accordin' to our own lights.

Everything's accordin' to agreement.

Treat the machinery accordin', like a real workman,' he says.

Accordin' to my idee, gamblin's about the wust racket a feller kin work, but it takes all sorts of men to make a world, an' ef the boys is bound to hev a game, I calkilate they'd like to patronize his bank.

I and Marthy try to think of what is all in all to us, and I believe Marthy does make out pretty well, in that partic'lar, accordin' to Friends' ways; though I am often jammed in religion, and all for want of taking to it early as I sometimes think, sir.

and there's where it is; that's the way I gauges the worth o' young women, jist accordin' as they carry their chins up or down.

" "If there has been a promise or any words of recognition uttered before witnesses," muttered Lyon, "accordin' to the laws of Scotland, issue and a few pairtenant expressions will splice a couple as strongly as ye'll be doing it in England before either of the archbishops.

We know it now," sez he, "The lion's paw is all the law, Accordin' to J.B., Thet's fit for you an' me!"

Accordin' to law, I'm livin' single, and if I ain't married to Arizona, she's my best gal, speakin' general.

You see, we know where Glasson is an' what 'e's up to, an' can look out accordin'.

Well, Josiah met us, accordin' to promise in front of Festival Hall, and we stayed to the illumination, Dotie havin' gone home with Miss Huff before dark.

And thar's one more idea, and ez that can't be proved," continued Patterson, sinking his voice still lower, "mebbe it's accordin' to God's laws.

63 examples of  accordin  in sentences