94 examples of ache for in sentences

Four years ago, while my heart- ache for her was fresh and torturing, a new pastor came to the little village church of Valley Mills.

"Your papa says you must have your bath, and my poor old bones must ache for 't." "The bath's filled already.

My heart ached for her.

Poor man, your ribs will ache for this for a month to come!

After a few introductory remarks, in the course of which he said he had been troubled with stomach ache for six hours on the previous day, and that just before his last visit to Preston he had an attack of illness in the very same place, a lengthy allusion was made to his past history.

And truly I was mortal stiff and did ache for a great while, and this did be in part because that I had wrapped not the cloak about me, ere I slept; for the Land was bitter cold and did make the blood very chill.

"I do think my heart would ache for pride.

And the World mocked,"You would not let your little finger ache for such as this!"

Again my heart ached for her and for him.

The flame of love that had played about his passion for his wife had died down to its embers; all the transfiguring hopes and illusions were gone, but they had left an unquenchable ache for her nearness, her smile, her touch.

Mr. Moore suspected that there was some joke which he could not understand; but the ways of the Academy boys were always past his comprehension, so he and the waiters came bustling in with the first course of just such a banquet as would please a crowd of academicians, and would give an older person a stomach-ache for six weeks.

What Thou hast given to me, Lord, here I bring Thee, Odour, and light, and the magic of gold; Feet which must follow Thee, lips which must sing Thee, Limbs which must ache for Thee ere they grow old.

And Myra herself, that charming presence to infold his lifeHe would go walking through the golden October park, by little leaf-strewn paths under the wild and sun-soaked foliage, with many vistas every way of luring mystery, and over all the earth the rich opulent mother-bliss of harvest, and his heart would ache, ache within him, ache for his own harvests, ache like the sun for the earth, the man for the woman.

It seemed to me I owed debts on every handto the worldto you: I triedtried to payto pay you fair, ache for ache, if I could, for the hurts I'd given you.

The children were playing on the bankswith that divine carelessness and innocence which made one's heart ache for them in this beastly business of warand their fathers and mothers, whose worldly goods had been packed into baskets and brown paper parcelsthe poor relics of all that had been theirswondered whether after all their sufferings and struggles they would reach the town of Amiens and find safety there.

Sometimes, after a hard day's work, he would be tired and heavy; she saw him middle-aged and her heart would ache for him.

My heart begins to ache for loneliness, and I long for the gaiety of the town and its diversions.

The old wounds would still sometimes bleed and the heart ache for home joys all her own.

Who, indeed, is there, that would not gladly make the exchange, if he lived only for himself, and were to leave none who stood in need of himno eyes to weep at his departure, no hearts to ache for his loss?

"Now, I'm going to get the key," said Wildney, "and mean to have a stomach-ache for the purpose.

She comes up here to bed whenever she can find the slightest ache for an excuse, just to be by herself.

Chuck out a cigarette, Kid; my lungs ache for want of a smoke.

Arrah, now, make it foive, St. Piran darlint!" "Now may they make your stummucks ache for that word, ye marautherin' thieves av the world!"

I sometimes ache for foemen and the wilds.

It always did seem to me as if mother had the imposition of hands,perhaps every one feels just so about their mother,but only her touch always lightens an ache for me, whether it's in the heart or the head.

94 examples of  ache for  in sentences