2537 examples of achieve in sentences

O! vengeance!" <Do, perform, execute, accomplish, achieve, effect.

The effort must come largely as self-discipline, growing into group determination to win the war and the conviction that it is impossible to achieve victory and conserve the virility of our people, if any considerable part of the community devotes its time, energy and money to creating useless things.

Lastly has come the Great War, with its drill in sacrifice and economy, its larger opportunities to function and achieve, its ideals of democracy which have directly and quickly led to the political enfranchisement of women in countries widely separated.

The vast monarchy, the result of a slow aggregation of violence and of administrative wisdom, represented, perhaps, the most interesting historic attempt on the part of different peoples to achieve a common rule and discipline on the same territory.

According to that document the Entente has no idea of conquest and proposes mainly to achieve the following objects: 1st.

On what camps and columns has it looked down through the centuries, since first you saw the strange Hebrews burst with the sunrise across the hills, and chase your countrymen down Ajalonthat day when the victors felt the very sun conspiring with them to achieve the unexampled length of battle.

[-14-] Lucius Tarius, with a few ships was anchored opposite Sosius, and the latter hoped to achieve a notable success by attacking him before Agrippa, to whom the whole fleet had been entrusted, should arrive.

"Now we realize our strength and see what we can achieve, for in spite of all we have retained our integrity; we have suffered no injury to the soul.

Then we were all inspired by the thought and feeling: 'Nobody can achieve that, for in order to be able to do it we have had to perform a huge intellectual and spiritual task.

A few touches only were wanting here and there to achieve perfection, when suddenly the old man died.

Imaginative man has played for ages immemorial with wondrous fairy tales and fancies of what he would achieve.

Now, you know, my child, that with your present retinue you cannot achieve startling effects in the way of household glories.

The whole effect of this revolution in machinery is that time is saved, labor is economized, and it is possible to achieve quantity production.

He has written a long letter setting forth his reasons for his belief that India has a great mission before her, and that she can achieve her purpose only by non-violent non-co-operation.

So much is this the case that some of our best men consider that India must take generations before she can achieve the Dominion status.

To achieve this result more than a gallon of the best whisky had been used!

A man who would achieve an 18th Brumaire must have Arcola in his past and Austerlitz in his future.

The man who would break his oath, who would achieve a coup d'état must necessarily be a worthless wretch."

But as it grows up, long and patient education of its voluntary muscles is needed to achieve walking, writing, use of musical instruments, and many other acts of daily life.

His lone yet independent situation, his impetuous yet firm volition, alike qualified him to achieve the career most grateful to his disposition.

Let him, then, achieve it here; here let him find that solitude he had ever loved, softened by that affection for which he had ever sighed, and which here only he had ever found.

Some things are more easily done as short stories than others and more abundantly done, but one of the many pleasures of short-story writing is to achieve the impossible.

In order to achieve symmetry in any spacethat is, in any given number of dimensionsthere must be revolution in the next higher space: one more dimension is necessary.

Of those who venture in the contest some achieve success; others strive feebly and fail ignobly.

She looked more as young women used to look before it took a lady with her dressmaker seven toilsome days to achieve a "short street suit," and the public promenades became the problems that they now are to the inquiring minds that are forced to wonder who stops at home and does up all the sewing, and where the hair all comes from.

2537 examples of  achieve  in sentences