38 examples of aconites in sentences

Theophrastus speaks of a poison prepared from aconite, which could be moderated in such a manner as to have effect in two or three months, or at the end of a year or two years; and he also relates, that Thrasyas had discovered a method of preparing from other plants a poison which, given in small doses, occasioned a certain but easy death, without any pain, and which could be kept back for a long time without causing weakness or corruption.

The principal poisons known to the ancients were prepared from plants, and particularly aconite, hemlock, and poppy, or from animal substances; and among the latter none is more remarkable than that obtained from the sea-hare (Lepus marinus or Apylsia depilans of the system of nature).

Aconite: Wolfsbane Numbness everywhere, Vomit patient freely.

At break of day his majesty's apothecary entered my chamber with a potion composed of a mixture of henbane, opium, hemlock, black hellebore, and aconite; and another officer went to thine with a bowstring of blue silk.

This Aconite's well made, a cup of poyson Stuft with despatching simples, give him this, And he shall quickly leave all earthly blisse.

In this connection aconite will be found most useful.

'I gave a laxative in combination with a diffusible stimulant, and ordered doses of aconite and potassium iodide; I also applied strong sinapisms to each side, immediately behind the shoulders.

The animal's condition must be watched, and the case helped as far as is possible by the administration of a mild dose of physic, by saline drinks, and, when necessary, by the giving of small but repeated doses of Fleming's tincture of Aconite in order to relieve the pain.

Stinking'st of the stinking kind, Filth of the mouth and fog of the mind, Africa, that brags her foyson, Breeds no such prodigious poison, Henbane, nightshade, both together, Hemlock, aconite Nay, rather, Plant divine, of rarest virtue; Blisters on the tongue would hurt you.

January aconites.

January aconites.

Height, 4 ft. (See also "Winter Aconites.") Acorus (Sweet Flag).A hardy bog plant, having an abundance of light-coloured evergreen foliage.

See "Winter Aconite.

Ivy, St. John's Wort (Hypericum Calycinum), early-flowering White Aconite. Tricyrtis.

" Winter Aconite (Eranthis Hyemalis).This is one of the very first of flowers to bloom, being in advance of the Snowdrop.

Wolf's Bane.See "Aconite.

"Well," said Thorndyke; "what is it?" "Aconite," I replied without hesitation.

"Yes," he agreed; "aconite it is, or more probably aconitine.

The garden was adjoined by a sort of wilderness, with big trees and ground-ivy, and open spaces in which aconites and snowdrops were beginning to show themselves.

The Aconite-leaved Crane's bill, G. aconiti-folium, is a pretty plant, but rare, yielding its pale blue flowers with difficulty.

ACONITE, monk's-hood, a poisonous plant of the ranunculus order with a tapering root.

ACONITINE, a most virulent poison from aconite, and owing to the very small quantity sufficient to cause death, is very difficult of detection when employed in taking away life.

[Footnote: In plants of so very poisonous a nature as the Aconite, it is the duty of every one who describes them to be particular.

449 Geranium aconitifolium Aconite-leaved Crane's-bill c.m. 450 angulosum Angular-stalked ditto c.m.

It is a singular thing that they consider the juice of the yucca to be more poisonous than that of the aconite, and upon drinking it, death immediately follows.

38 examples of  aconites  in sentences