Do we say ad or add

ad 4233 occurrences

I invite attention especially to the last document accompanying the treaty, being a translation of a note of 26th September ultimo from Mr. Molina, chargé d'affaires ad interim of Nicaragua, to the Secretary of State, together with the translation of the ratification of the treaty by the Nicaraguan Government, thereto annexed.

To the Senate and House of Representatives: I transmit a copy of a letter of the 22d of April last from the chargé d'affaires ad interim of the United States in China, and of the regulations for consular courts which accompanied it, for such revision thereof as Congress may deem expedient, pursuant to the sixth section of the act approved the 11th of August, 1848.

In this aspect, I desire to reiterate the recommendation contained in my last two annual messages in favor of imposing specific instead of ad valorem duties on all imported articles to which these can be properly applied.

As an abstract proposition it may be admitted that ad valorem duties would in theory be the most just and equal.

Indeed, from the very nature of an ad valorem duty this must be the result.

The temptations which ad valorem duties present to a dishonest importer are irresistible.

It is a striking fact in this connection that in the commercial treaty of January 23, 1860, between France and England one of the articles provides that the ad valorem duties which it imposes shall be converted into specific duties within six months from its date, and these are to be ascertained by making an average of the prices for six months previous to that time.

The reverse of the propositions would be nearer to the truth, because a much larger amount of revenue would be collected by merely converting the ad valorem duties of a tariff into equivalent specific duties.

This might be accomplished by ascertaining the average value of any given article for a series of years at the place of exportation and by simply converting the rate of ad valorem duty upon it which might be deemed necessary for revenue purposes into the form of a specific duty.

Sometimes the affairs of the Navy Department have been directed ad interim by a commodore and those of the War Department by a general.

In most, if not all, of the cases which occurred previous to 1852 it is believed that the compensation provided by law for the officer regularly commissioned was paid to the person who discharged the duties ad interim.

Why, I'd sooner let the Poor Law 'ave 'em, though me and the old man 'ad to go into the 'Ouse for it.

"This young nobleman's name's Looney, isn't it?" "Looks as if it 'ad ought to be," she answered, with a smile, for she avoided unnecessary difficulties.

I suppose the boy 'ad parents of some sort, most likely bad, but 'e seems to me kind of machine-made, same as a Leicester boot.

We were allowed noise nearly ad libitum.

My eyes were for the first time opened to the marvellous in his department of knowledge and art; and the region of impossibility was materially circumscribed, and the domain of the prince of the powers of the air extended ad infinitum.

They are not quite up to the mark, but that 'ad' will sell them.

"Vir astutissimus ad quseque magna negotia et imperia mundi; qui etiam affectabat summam dignitatem."

Volto ritrorso; scilicet, versus ortum suum, vel contra: el mar fugire; idest, et Mare Rubrum fugere hinc inde, quando fecit viam populo Dei, qui transivit sicco pede: fu qui mirabile a vedere; idest, miraculosius, chel soccorso que, idest, quam esset mirabile succursum divinum hic venturum ad puniendos perversos."

We cannot therefore but believe that those who first gave names to things, did it with design; and this, I imagine, Aristotle himself understood when he said, ad placitum nomina significare.

ad Synt, fol. 1. 1.

Visual and photographic photometry of the eclipsing variables ad andromedae V343

PROPRIUM DE TEMPORE PRO VESPERIS; ab Adventu usque ad ultimam Dominican post Pentecosten, ad exemplar editionis vaticanae, cantum gregorianum harmonice modulavit Julius Bas.

PROPRIUM DE TEMPORE PRO VESPERIS; ab Adventu usque ad ultimam Dominican post Pentecosten, ad exemplar editionis vaticanae, cantum gregorianum harmonice modulavit Julius Bas.

Ovid accordingly notices, as one amongst the familiar images of daybreak, the half-burnt torch of the traveller; and, apparently, from the position which it holds in his description, where it is ranked with the most familiar of all circumstances in all countriesthat of the rural labourer going out to his morning tasks it must have been common indeed: "Semiustamque facem vigilatâ nocte viator Ponet; et ad solitum rusticus ibit opus.

add 10463 occurrences

She had the boy scald the meal, sprinkle salt in it and add a little cold water to it.

"Honey, come back to see Aunt Add. sometime.

He who needs to be convinced of this has but to turn once more to the eighth Aeneid, and to add to the charming story of Aeneas' first visit to the seven hills, the splendid picture of the origin and growth of Roman dominion engraved on the shield which Venus gives her son.

He has no sides of smoked bacon, says the poet, hanging from his roof, but only a cheese, so to add to his meal he goes into his garden and gathers thence a number of various herbs and vegetables, which he then makes into the hotch-potch, or pot-au-feu which gives the name to the poem.

To repeal, therefore, an act nugatory in itself, would not add to the reputation of the profession, nor give a license to further abuse; but it would be an act of justice, and remove a prejudice unjustly attached to the professors of a difficult art.

There may be a total diversity of ideas which admits no participation of the same delight, and there may likewise be such a conformity of notions as leaves neither any thing to add to the decisions of the other.

Whoever desires, for his writings or himself, what none can reasonably contemn, the favour of mankind, must add grace to strength, and make his thoughts agreeable as well as useful.

He promised me in general terms, that nothing should be wanting which his power could add to my happiness, but forbore to release me from my confinement.

These are indeed the meanest and cruellest of human beings, a race with whom, as with some pestiferous animals, the whole creation seems to be at war; but who, however detested or scorned, long continue to add heap to heap, and when they have reduced one to beggary, are still permitted to fasten on another.

Gelasimus, in his forty-ninth year, was distinguished by those who have the rewards of knowledge in their hands, and called out to display his acquisitions for the honour of his country, and add dignity by his presence to philosophical assemblies.

He that has cultivated the tree, watched the swelling bud and opening blossom, and pleased himself with computing how much every sun and shower add to its growth, scarcely stays till the fruit has obtained its maturity, but defeats his own cares by eagerness to reward them.

I have seen the meteors of fashions rise and fall, without any attempt to add a moment to their duration.

Let me add that no one brick out of the many laid is of no importance.

They appeared on this occasion to add to the honor of Christ.

He tried to add something else, but seemed undetermined what.

The lecture must have been a great quickener of conscience; for they would dare punishment and cheat Madame Joubert, under her own eyes, in order surreptitiously to add a new sin to their list.

But we will first quote the Athenaeum account, from its being the most brief as well as more circumstantial, and then add the variorum opinions.

It will seem almost incredible when I now add that nothing of this kind has happened at Semur.

Reports by rural correspondents add spice, flavour and variety to a newspaper.

Indeed, there is scarce the magni nominis umbra to be met with in this translation, which being fairly intimated by Jacob, he needs add no more, but si populus vult decipi, decipiatur.

Wouldst thou be soon despatched, and perish whole, Trust Maurus with thy life, and Milbourne with thy soul" Referring to another place, what occurs upon the style and execution of the Fables, I have only to add, that they were published early in spring 1700, in a large folio, and with the "Ode to Saint Cecilia."

If anything could add to Corinne's ecstatic delight, it was this charming motion.

When she paid the driver, she would add something to the regular fare, but as she gave it to him she would say in her most distinct French: "Pour manger.

s been lived before us, to which no age, no human being who has trod the earth and laid himself to rest with all his mortal burden upon her maternal bosom, has failed to add his contribution.

We might add that the false, the ugly and the vicious have each a fibre in the human heart to serve their purpose.

Do we say   ad   or  add