15231 examples of admitted in sentences

When his master brought him before a magistrate, and demanded the usual certificate to authorize him to take his human chattel back to Virginia, Ben neither admitted nor denied that he was a slave.

He admitted that he was the slave of the man who claimed him, and that he saw no way of escape open for him.

This excitement was a sign that controversies which had hitherto been confined to books and treatises were now to be admitted to popular periodicals, and that the common man of the world would now listen and have an opinion of his own on the bases of belief, just as he listens and judges in politics or art, or letters.

[A]In the year 1690 he was admitted a commoner of Magdalen-Hall, under Mr. John Fallen, who was esteemed an excellent tutor, and a very great master of logic, and the following year he was chosen scholar of Magdalen-College.

In the year 1700 he was admitted actual and perpetual fellow of Magdalen-College, and qualified himself the next year, by taking orders, as the founder's statutes require.

Others stand ready to go the moment the word is spoken, but what possibility is there of success, that any volunteer could get through alive?" "Practically none," admitted the other, his deep voice more grave.

Light was admitted through a small window, placed so high in the wall I was compelled to stand on the chair to look out, a mere round opening through which it would be impossible to squeeze my rather stalwart body.

"I reckon it'll work," he admitted, "if yo' don't git cotched afore yo' git dar.

"The fact is, you suspicion him?" "I suspicion a good deal, maybe," he admitted.

"That's a good will, duly signed and attested, and there'll be no difficulty about getting it admitted to probate; leave it to me, and I'll see to it, and get it through for you as soon as ever I can.

At Turin she held the Court of a Queen, to which the Prince was only admitted on sufferance.

There was another good-looking naval officer, a Captain Manby, and also Sir Thomas Lawrence, the famous painter, both of whom were admitted to a suspicious intimacy with the Princess of Wales.

And it must be admitted that, as so often happens, Akenside's outward ensemble was eminently what the vulgar world terms "guyable."

The brilliant passages scattered up and down the work, admitted only because they illustrated the subject, made the ignorant believe that it was written for them.

For this reason the well-known confidantes of the French stage were discarded, no secondary action or episodes were admitted, and the whole play was shortened to a little more than two-thirds of the average French classic drama.

But from what all others thought to be my duty, I shrank with a persistence that admitted of no compromise.

The class admitted this year numbered twenty-three, and among them were Wesley Lattin, Seth W. Ford and Joseph M. Walker.

At the close of his term Brother Moulthrop retired from the work, but was re-admitted to the Conference in 1859, it being conceded that so valiant a veteran should be permitted to spend the balance of his life in connection with the Conference.

Milwaukee Mission was organized by the Illinois Conference in the summer of 1835, and Rev. Mark Robinson, who had been admitted that year, was appointed to the charge.

He just as good as admitted that a lot of work had got to be done afore any pay ore could be realized.

[Note 5: The sovereigns made what amends they could for the abusive execution of their orders by over-zealous agents; they sent Columbus a present of two thousand ducatsnot an insignificant sum at the timeand wrote him a letter, full of affectionate expressions of confidence; he was admitted to audience on December 17th.

His chief attendants gather round him (for none of the common people are admitted to these mysteries), raising their voices in thanksgiving that he has so quickly left the zemes and returned to them.

Despite their nakedness, it must be admitted that in some places the natives have exterminated entire groups of Spaniards, for they are ferocious and are armed with poisoned arrows and sharp lances with points hardened in the fire.

The adventurer admitted none of these reasons, and the wretched Careca saw his town sacked.

The truth of all he had reported to the King concerning this South Sea was admitted.

15231 examples of  admitted  in sentences