21 examples of adumbrations in sentences

In all our hearts, did we but listen and understand, there are adumbrations of kingly ancestors, and the latent stirrings of kingly powers.

Sign, omen, auspice, portent, prognostic, augury, foretoken, adumbration, presage, indication.

However, I cannot lose so good an opportunity of showing the world the placability and sweetness that adorn my character, and therefore send you another article, in which, I trust, you will find nothing to strike out,unless, peradventure, you think that I may disturb the tranquillity of nations by my plan of annexing Great Britain, or my attempted adumbration of a fat English dowager!

Somehow this recalled his flare, his adumbration of some great idea connected with young Arkwright and the old Captain, and the South.

And in "calf love" I do not include the adumbrations of extreme childhood like those immortalised in Annabel Lee: I was a child and she was a child In that kingdom by the sea.

image, picture, photo, xerox, similitude, semblance, ectype^, photo offset, electrotype; imitation &c 19; model, representation, adumbration, study; portrait &c (representation) 554; resemblance.

[Milton]. shade, shadow, umbra, penumbra; sciagraphy^. obscuration; occultation, adumbration, obumbration^; obtenebration^, offuscation^, caligation^; extinction; eclipse, total eclipse; gathering of the clouds. shading; distribution of shade; chiaroscuro &c (light) 420.

[Sem.]; autonomasia^, irony, figurativeness &c adj.; image, imagery; metalepsis^, type, anagoge^, simile, personification, prosopopoeia^, allegory, apologue^, parable, fable; allusion, adumbration; application.

allusion, insinuation; innuendo &c 527; adumbration; something rotten in the state of Denmark [Hamlet].

Of that divine mercyof that sin-uncreating powerthe ancient world knew nothing; but in Marcus we find some dim and faint adumbration of the doctrine, expressed in a manner which might at least breathe calm into the spirit of the philosopher, though it could never reach the hearts of the suffering multitude.

The physical feeling of extended being was accompanied by the image of an exploding meteor, not subsiding into darkness, but continuing to shoot from its centre or nucleuswhich corresponded to the burning spot at the pit of my stomachincessant adumbrations of light that finally lost themselves in the infinity of space.

But an image is but an image still, and can be but an adumbration or shadow of the true Perfect Being.

"He had about him very many of, I can hardly say the visible tokens, but the adumbrations of the highest qualities.

He was re-reading these first adumbrations of disaster with a sinking heart, reading the shadow of death more and more perceptibly into them, reading to occupy his mind until further news should come.

Up hill and down dale,with merciless ruts and savage ridges,now, a slough, to all appearance destitute of bottom, and, next, a treacherous stretch of sand, into which the wheels sink deeper and deeper at every revolution, as if the vehicle were France, and the road disorder,such is a faint adumbration of the state of affairs in the benighted interior of our petulant little whiskey-drinking sister State!

But in the literature of the first half of the nineteenth century I have come across several adumbrations of the truth regarding the Greeks, by Shelley, Lord Lytton, Lord Macaulay, and Théophile Gautier.

" PLAN OF THIS VOLUME These are casual adumbrations of a great truth that applies not only to the lowest races (savages) but to the more advanced barbarians as well as to ancient civilized nations, as the present volume will attempt to demonstrate.

Adumbrations of these, however, may throw their shadow across his field of vision.

All the grand imaginations of men, all the glorified shapes, the Olympian gods, cherubic and seraphic forms, are but symbols and adumbrations of what it contains.

The family has adumbrations and foreshadowings among the lower animals, but in general it may be said that while mammals lower than man are gregarious, in man have become established those peculiar relationships which constitute what we know as the family; and it is easy to see how the existence of helpless infants would bring about just that state of things.

The adumbrations of a new supernatural figure were looming in the conception of the world.

21 examples of  adumbrations  in sentences