Do we say advertise or advertize

advertise 223 occurrences

All we ask o' yew is jest ernough tew allow us ter advertise fer another brother member ter take yer place.

" Pennants, posters, and photographs supplied a sort of pictorial noise, the better to advertise this evidently remarkable event, which, one might gather, was a yearly affair held during the summer vacation at the seat of Cartwright College.

Thus a square yellow poster would carry the information, "Food in abundance found here," while a round red sign would advertise, "This ground is mined."

Add to this the fact that here she has relatives, friends, and acquaintances, who already know and love her, while, in New York, she would have to acquire a whole new set, probably have to advertise for them.

It was one o'clockthe bank closed at three, and there was no time to advertise the key, or to muster so large a sum of money as that required.

What think you of "A Cure for the Ministerial Gallomania," and advertise, dedicated to Lord Grey?

As to the others, I do not know whether the season of the year has at all revived the demand; and would suggest to you whether it would be well to advertise them a little.

Among the announcements from the pulpit were several funerals, which it is there customary thus to advertise.

I didn't advertise him as my ancestor, of course.

You have to do five hundred dollars' worth of work, and advertise for sixty days.

"Do you want to advertise the copy by exhibiting the original coat?"

In a letter to the writer, Sir Paynton Pigott says, "Some people call them and advertise them as the Aberdeen Terrier, which is altogether a mistake; but the reason of it is that forty years ago a Dr. Van Bust, who lived in Aberdeen, bred these terriers to a large extent and sold them, and those buying them called them, in consequence, 'Aberdeen Terriers,' whereas they were in reality merely a picked sort of Old Scotch or Highland Terrier."

There is great deception about vessels; they advertise for a certain day and perhaps do not sail under a month after.

At length, one day when Marie's health was nearly restored, she asked for writing materials, and said, "I mean to advertise for my mother in a Southern paper.

I am happy to be the first to advertise you of good news.

Surely neither of the Venners would advertise the attempted crime of their relative in this way.

T. AND L. NAPIER, advertise for sale Nancy, a woman 65 years of age, and Peggy, a woman 65 years of age.

Before proceeding to furnish details of certain classes of crimes in the slave states, we advertise the reader1st.

Before proceeding to furnish details of certain classes of crimes in the slave states, we advertise the reader1st.

I love little children, and I think I should do for a child's nurse; I will advertise.

And she did advertise, and it was not long before she was answered by a request to call at Number 4, Elm street, at three o'clock on Wednesday.

"You are only taking credit for a natural phenomenon," said the letter, "and trying to advertise yourself by your letter to the Times.

" "In this enlightened state," interposed Tutt, "it's a crime to advertise as a divorce lawyer; to attach a corpse for payment of debt; to board a train while it is in motion; to plant oysters without permission; or without authority wear the badge of the Patrons of Husbandry.

She can advertise for sealed proposals on her fiftieth birthday and be oversubscribed like an issue of 10 per cent.

Advertise that if Mr. Robert Bartley, late of Hull, would write to a certain agent, he would hear of something to his advantage?

advertize 1 occurrences

<Vert, vers(e)> (turn): (1) avert, divert, convert, invert, pervert, advertize, inadvertent, verse, aversion, adverse, adversity, adversary, version, anniversary, versatile, divers, diversity, conversation, perverse, universe, university, traverse, subversive, divorce; (2) vertebra, vertigo, controvert, revert, averse, versus, versification, animadversion,

Do we say   advertise   or  advertize