19 examples of aelius in sentences

It was concluded in the seventeenth year, in the consulate of Cneius Cornelius and Publius Aelius Paetus.

Aelius Gallus, governor of Egypt, fails in an expedition into Arabia.

Cicero studied law under him, and his contemporaries, Varus and Aelius Gallus, wrote learned treatises, from which extracts appear in the Digest made under the Emperor Justinian, 528 A.D. Julius Caesar contemplated a complete revision of the laws, but did not live long enough to carry out his intentions.

A work of greater importance for jurisprudence than the short sketch of Cato was the treatise published by Sextus Aelius Paetus, surnamed the "subtle" (-catus-), who was the first practical jurist of his time, and, in consequence of his exertions for the public benefit in this respect, rose to the consulship (556) and to the censorship (560).

Aelius Verus imperator.

Coming to Rome he was made aedilein the consulship of Quintus Aelius and Paulus Fabius, though he had already prætor's honors.

L. Aelius Lamia, Aelianus Vetus.

Finding himself, however, held fast by the clutches of the disease, he started to sail to Italy himself and left behind Publius Aelius Hadrian with the army in Syria.

L. Aelius Verus Caesar, P. Caelius Balbinus Vibullius.

Finally, all the months were likewise called after him, so that they were enumerated as follows: Amazonian, Invincible, Fortunate, Pious, Lucius, Aelius, Aurelius, Commodus, August, Herculean, Roman, Transcendent.

They nominated Quintus Fabius Ambustus, and as master of the horse Publius Aelius Paetus.

The five augurs, who were also plebeians, were, Caius Genucius, Publius Aelius Paetus, Marcus Minucius Fessus, Caius Marcius, and Titus Publilius.

By the plebeian aediles likewise, Lucius Aelius Paetus and Caius Fulvius Corvus, out of money levied as fines on farmers of the public pastures, whom they had convicted of malpractices, games were exhibited, and golden bowls were placed in the temple of Ceres.

Three pontiffs were also created, Quintus Caecilius Metellus, Quintus Fabius Maximus, and Quintus Fulvius Flaccus, in the room of Publius Scantinius deceased, and of Lucius Aemilius Paulus the consul, and of Quintus Aelius Paetus, who had fallen in the battle of Cannae.

Then comes the sign; when some argument is derived from the meaning of a word, in this way:As the Aelian Sentian law orders an assiduus to support an assiduus, it orders a rich man to support a rich man, for a rich man is an assiduus, called so, as Aelius says, from asse dando.

One does not see, however, why aelius and Cicero should not understand the meaning and derivation of a Latin word.

He also constructed a bridge over the Tyne at this spot, fort and bridge receiving the name of Pons Aelii, after the Emperor (Publius AElius Hadrianus).

The generation that knew him was rich in Stoics; for example, Aelius Stilo, the master of Varro, "doctissimus eorum temporum," as Gellius calls him; Rutilius, who was mentioned just now as having written memoirs; and among others probably the great lawyer Mucius Scaevola.

L. Aelius thinks that the hare (lepus) gets his name from his swiftness, as it were that he is light of foot (levipes), but I think the name is derived from the ancient Greek, because the Aeolians of Boeotia call him [Greek: leporis].

19 examples of  aelius  in sentences