31 examples of aerating in sentences


"I have heard," one of them would begin,and then followed a string of the wildest bazaar- rumours, interspersed with many a "tobah" (fie) "iman-se" (honestly or truly) or "mag kai" (what happened next), which apparently produced such a hunger and thirst that the Irani, thanking his stars for the outbreak of disorder, had to ransack all his cases for comestibles, aerated waters and tea.

If, on receiving the animals, any of them should appear exhausted by the journey, they may sometimes be revived by aerating the water in which they are by means of a syringe.

AERATED BREAD.It is not unknown to some of our readers that Dr. Dauglish, of Malvern, has recently patented a process for making bread "light" without the use of leaven.

It is then passed through several covered channels and mechanically or chemically cleansed from every kind of inorganic impurity, and finally oxygenated or aerated with air which has undergone a yet more elaborate purification.

But it should be poured backwards and forwards from one jug to another several times, in order to aerate it.

Put into a basin a pint of cold water, and beat it for a few minutes in order to aerate it as much as possible.

The Health-giving Table Water SALUTARIS DISTILLED Aerated or Still.

The advantage of a staccato openingor, to vary the metaphor, a brisk, highly aerated introductory passageis clearly exemplified in A Doll's House.

Some may like to try baking their bread at home, and it may interest them to know that it is possible to make very good wheaten bread without any raising ingredients whatever, simply with wheatmeal and water, aerating it by beating air into it.

Aerate by pouring from one vessel to another several times, or by whipping up with a spoon or spatula.

See that it is perfectly dry, and pass several times through a fine sieve to aerate and loosen it.

Run two or three times through an ordinary mincer to aerate, and form into a long roll, but without pressure of any kind.

They are aerated and free from yeast and chemicals.

Beside these, aerated waters and other "soft drinks" must be provided, with coffee, tea, sandwiches and other refreshments as required.

When any of the fishes give signs of sickness or suffocation, by coming to the surface and gulping air, they may be revived by having the water aerated by pouring it out repeatedly from a little elevation, or by a syringe.

After all, there is something pastoral, elemental, well aerated, about a peasant lad.

The claim made by some that the injected water does not fill the clearance spaces, but is aerated, does not hold good, except with an inefficient injection system.

They never let themselves clash with any one, and their private rufflings of each other had only a happy effect of aerating their depths, and left them as mirror-smooth and thoroughly one as the bosom of a garden lake after the ripples have died behind two jostling swans.

It is the centre of the Irish linen and cotton manufactures, the most important shipbuilding centre, and has also rope-making, whisky, and aerated-water industries.

The boys wanted at least tobacco and aerated waters to soothe themselves with, and if there was not to be any more fighting, what was the matter with going home?

A is the supply pipe to admit air to aerate the water; B is the cock where fresh water is drawn off; C is a pipe conveying cooling water to the condenser E, placed on three little feet on top of the boiler, F, whose steam rises up a central pipe to the dome top, where it expands out and returns downward through a number of tubes about 1 in.

No doubt the medical staff take care that the distilled water is alike thoroughly aerated and efficiently filtered.

The most successful method of aerating is, we believe, to cause the current of steam as it enters the condenser to suck in air by induced current along with it.

Steam is generated in one of the ships' boilers, and condensed, filtered, and aerated in a special apparatus.

31 examples of  aerating  in sentences