68 examples of af in sentences

dear mo-ther, I must be start-ing;" but he did do it at last, al-though it was af-ter ma-ny strug-gles to keep down the beat-ings of his heart.

He turn-ed to-wards her with ir-re-so-lu-tion: he felt how dif-fi-cult it was to leave one so dear and af-fec-tion-ate; but his du-ty was sim-ple, and he would do it: with one more "good

Af-ter fi-nish-ing his meal, which he did with ex-ceed-ing rel-ish, he be-gan to turn o-ver in his mind how he was to make up his bed in his ve-ry large bed-cham-ber, for it ap-pear-ed as if he had got the great fo-rest all to him-self.

Round and round she went af-ter him, un-til he felt that he must be caught; when a ve-ry large hand grasp-ed her round the waist, and hur-ri-ed her, yell-ing, out of the kit-chen; Wil-lie fol-low-ing, re-turn-ing thanks for his de-li-ver-ance.

AF] any thing but thine.

The prepositions would fall naturally under the rule of abbreviation applied to nouns, &c. Chi, by; peen, in; kish, if, &c.; li, of; ra, to; vi, is; af, at.

thou god Unti, [Footnote: A god who walks before the boat of the god, Af, holding a star in each hand.] who art more glorious than the gods who are hidden in Annu.

R60054, 21Mar50, Bernice Maud Marquis (E) SCARAMOUCHE, apil og dans i 2 akten af Poul Knudsen, musik af Jean Sibelius.

R60054, 21Mar50, Bernice Maud Marquis (E) SCARAMOUCHE, apil og dans i 2 akten af Poul Knudsen, musik af Jean Sibelius.

AF GEIJERSTAM, GUSTAV. SEE Geijerstam, Gustav af.

AF GEIJERSTAM, GUSTAV. SEE Geijerstam, Gustav af.


SEE Geijerstam, Gosta AF.

SEE Geijerstam, Gosta Af. Barney Barnato.

Milton Geiger (A); 7Feb66; R380022. GEIJERSTAM, GOSTA AF.

R60054, 21Mar50, Bernice Maud Marquis (E) SCARAMOUCHE, apil og dans i 2 akten af Poul Knudsen, musik af Jean Sibelius.

R60054, 21Mar50, Bernice Maud Marquis (E) SCARAMOUCHE, apil og dans i 2 akten af Poul Knudsen, musik af Jean Sibelius.


Milton Geiger (A); 7Feb66; R380022. GEIJERSTAM, GOSTA AF.

SEE Geijerstam, Gøsta Af. BIRREN, FABER.

SEE Geijerstam, Gøsta Af.

<pb id='101.png' /> GEIJERSTAM, GOSTA AF. Iva.

SEE Geijerstam, Gosta Af.

John Gehlmann (A); 27Aug68; R442566. GEIJERSTAM, GOSTA AF. Northern winter.

AF] to this destiny.

68 examples of  af  in sentences