271 examples of affaires in sentences

It opens thus "Ponderying, expendying, and revolutying with myself, your urgent affabilitee, and ingenious capacitee, for mundaine affaires, I cannot but celebrate and extolle your magnificall dexteritee above all other; for how could you have adopted such illustrate, prerogative, and dominicall superioritee, if the fecunditee of your inginie had not been so fertile and wonderfull pregnant?"Fo.

I leave the words to work their effect upon your Lordship, in their own language; because no other can so well express the nobleness of the thought: and wish you may be soon called to bear a part in the affaires of the Nation, where I know the World expects you, and wonders why you have been so long forgotten; there being no person amongst our young nobility, on whom the eyes of all men are so much bent.

Againe, other some being weary of that exercise, take occasion (about urgent affaires you must suppose) to walke into the towne, and least anything might be gathered, but that they goe about serious matters indeed, they take their baskets in their hands, or under their arms, under which pretence pretie conceits are practized, and yet may no man say black is their eye.

My good Lords, We are commaunded by the King our Master (Who ever hath respected your affaires As the tranquility of his owne kingdoms) To let you thus far understand his pleasure: He do's exhort you, as the best foundation Of your estate, with all care to preserve The union of your provinces, and wishes The change that you have made of Maiestrates, The Advocate and Counsellors of State

Your Mistresse and my Lady; I have some Affaires require despatch, ile leave you to 'em.

Sir Francis, I am sorrie the violence of my affaires wonot let me entertaine you to my wishes.

Please you vouchsafe your privacie, I bring Affaires are worth your entertainement: I have rid hard.

I am not taken with a ring or Caskanet, as some avaritious Ladies; he that presents me with the sword of his rivall is more welcome then all the silken soft natur'd six hundreds a yeere, that will be baffeld in their best clothes and goe downe into the Country every Vacacon like Atturneys to be beaten against next terme and get damage by it, but I forget some affaires that concerne me.

Bordeaux had been appointed[e] ambassador to the parliament; after the inauguration of Cromwell, it became necessary to appoint him ambassador to his [Footnote 1: Here Louis XIV., to whom we are indebted for this anecdote observes; that it was the cardinal's maxim de pourvoir, à quelque prix qu'il fût, aux affaires présentes, persuadé que les maux à venir, trouveroient leur remède dans l'avenir même.

Thus the nation, more and more, with ever-increasing rapidity, declined in bodily, and of course spiritual, quality, until the end was reached, and Nature swallowed up the weaklings whole; and thus war, which to the modern state is at worst the blockhead and indecent affaires d'honneur of persons in officeand which, surely, before you and I die will cease altogetherwas to the ancient a genuine and remorselessly fatal scourge.

Since the war it has been well nigh forgotten, but several duels and affaires d'honneur have been settled on the historic spot.

7. AUGUSTE ET LE VÉTÉRAN Le succès de nos affaires dépend souvent de notre présence d'esprit.

Et toi, continua-t-il en s'adressant au vétéran, va en paix: tes affaires sont en bonnes mains, ta cause triomphera.

Ils y ont un baille (baile) qui connoît seul de toutes leurs affaires, et ne dépend ni de l'empereur ni de ses officiers.

The 30. of Iune Cornelis Houtman tooke a boate: and went into the towne, and there spake with the Gouernour about certaine affaires, touching a contract to bee made with him.

Au contraire, qu'il soil ouuert & tranquille, mais qu'il ne soit pas trop épanoüy de joye dans les affaires serieuses, ny trop retiré par vne grauité affectée dans la conversation ordinaire & familiere de la vie humaine.

Gardez vous bien de medire d'aucune personne ou de vous entretenir des affaires d'autruy.

Ne dites iamais vostre aduis des affaires que l'on ne vous l'ait demandé, si toutesfois vous n'estes le premier en authorité, & que ce ne soit point à contre-temps, ou sans apparence de quelque auantage.

Ne faites pas aisément dessein de redire aux autres les nouuelles & les rapports qui auront couru touchant les rencontres des affaires, si vous n'auez vn garant de leur verité.

Ne témoignez pas de curiosité dans les affaires d'autruy, & ne vous approchez l'on parle en secret.

"We had left Paris with the intention of traversing the whole of Italy, including Sicily and Calabria; and, putting this project into scrupulous execution, we had already visited Nice, Genoa, Milan, Florence, and Rome, when, after a sojourn of about three weeks at this last city, I had the honour to meet, at the Marquis de P's, our own chargé des affaires, the Count de Ludorf, the Neapolitan ambassador.

that vntil a certen day and hower lymited to retorne, either of them might imploye themselues about theire busines, and necessarie affaires, the Gent.

la permission d'aller passer quelques jours à la ville, des affaires m'appellent.

c'est bien des affaires.

Monsieur entend les affaires; il est fils d'un père extrêmement habile.

271 examples of  affaires  in sentences